From Augusto Deoliveria; "For all those who have been with me here and on my other media platforms know that I have repeatedly had my life threatened. I have been stalked, harassed, and bullied by not just one person but many people over the last almost year. Threats of physical harm have been made against me and my animals. This hate group follows every media outlet that has a story with my name in it. Each of their members post false information in the comment section in an effort to discredit me and stop my income completely. I have not been the only victim of hate crimes and cyber bullying by this hate group. The wonderful landlady that shares her farm and home with me has been victimized so badly that she has left Facebook. This was recently posted by her mother Sandra Waters: “Thank you Cerena for coming forward to help Augusto people are afraid to come forward because like you they GET crucified I've been there they are even attacking the landlady(who is my daughter) for reaching out to help him. She lost her husband 6 months ago in 1999 she donated her kidney (which was a match) they actually hacked her page and actually said she should BE ASHAMED FOR HELPING THAT 'KID' she has lost a lot of her friends??? because of that page Again thank you.”
People that follow me and my pages that have stood up for me have been terrorized too. This hate group stalks my pages daily seeing who "Likes" and "Shares" my posts. They then attack anyone who is in support of me in an effort to damage my reputation and business. There have been dozens of phone calls made to every agency you can think of making false complaints against me and my business. False reports filed about abuse, neglect, and whatever else they could think of to complain about. There is even a current petition has been started in a direct effort to close my business down. This hate group also has been asking people to file complaints to the I.R.S. being as how they can not do so themselves as none of them have done business with me. All their complaints are false and none of them can be proven as I have done my best to accommodate everyone I have done business with. We need to stop this ongoing hate crime against not only me, but every single person that has ever been stalked,harassed,threatened and bullied by these people who have nothing better to do with their time than to try to ruin my life and the lives of countless others. I am asking all of my fans and community members to please read this article written by another victim of this same hate group then sign the petition at the bottom of the article.Please share this to everyone and encourage them to sign the petition and pass this along. Stand with me against all hate crimes. Together we can make a change and bring an end to the tyranny of this hate group. Let's show these people that bullying,stalking,threatening,harassing anyone will not be tolerated any longer. Please contact Facebook and demand that these hate pages be removed for all of our safety and well-being. No one should be afraid to share any content they want on their social media account and anywhere on the internet. Thank you for your support.".
Note to law enforcement: Lisa A. Papi who resides in Elizabeth, Colorado is the ring leader of an online hate group syndicate called "The Truth About Griffin Shepherd Kennels", "GSK Adherents of a repeat meme", "Truth About GSK Pack" and many more pages on Facebook and many other social media platforms that has dedicated their entire existence to stalk,harass, threaten and ruin any business for Augusto Deoliveria and anyone who supports him. There needs to be legal recourse for her actions as a cyber bully stalker who has broken many laws. She has victimized countless numbers of people with her hate group. We demand justice for Augusto Deoliveria who has to live in fear of his life every single day by this hate group. We demand justice for all those who have fallen victim to Lisa A. Papi and her hate groups.
Please sign this petition and pass it along. We need to stand together to stop hate crimes. Please no one act in a violent or illegal manner towards Lisa A. Papi or her hate group, refrain from threats or other towards them. They are for law enforcement to handle and the justice system. Should we resort to their behavior we in turn are no better then them by those actions. We are here to stand together for the better good of people all over the world. Tell everyone to sign this petition we demand justice for Augusto Deoliveria and all the victims of these people.