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Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Why do people join hate groups?

Why do people join hate groups?

Why do people join hate groups?
Answer People join hate groups because they are the truly diseased in civil society. A dog with rabies can't help his behavior.
 2nd answer Most people join hate groups for about the same reasons as the people who use crack or heroin or take up gay sex.
  • It makes them feel better, or at least not quite so bad. (They have low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, and nothing positive in their own lives to make them feel good.)
  • Feeling superior to (and hatred for) 'those negros', 'those Jews', 'those gothic kids,' 'those homophobes,' or even 'those Yankees fans' saves them the trouble of having to find something better to do.
  • Because hating (or shooting up) takes away the need to consider what they are doing, they never face up to the harm that they are doing to themselves as well as to others.
There is always another, smaller element in the hate groups. This is the group of psychopaths who use hate groups to 'justify' their desire to cause pain, suffering and destruction. A few of these in each hate group are also making a good living out of it. Hitler, Himmler and Goering lived very well for more than ten years. 

Another view
Maybe what they are joining is not really a hate group, but something that biased persons falsely labeled as such. Pro-family groups are not hate groups, for instance, yet most are listed as such by people who hate heterosexual families. Some of the groups that defend sexual minorities are among the true hate groups, just that their brand of hate is politically correct.

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