Charges Possible In Dog Stabbing
Clara, a pit bull who had spent several years in foster care awaiting adoption, was euthanized after an incident Sunday at the Newnan PetSmart.
The investigation is ongoing into the stabbing of a dog Sunday at the Newnan PetSmart store.
There have been news reports from other outlets saying that no criminal charges would be filed. However, it is premature to say that no charges will be filed, said Newnan Police Chief Douglas “Buster” Meadows.
“We are still investigating,” Meadows said Tuesday.
The incident occurred when a pit bull terrier named Clara that was at PetSmart for Newnan-Coweta Humane Society’s weekly adoption event broke loose from her handler and ran up to a female terrier mix dog owned by Craig Emory Hayes, 56, of Newnan.
According to the police report filed by Newnan Police Officer E. Lee, the pit bull ran up to the terrier and started sniffing it. Clara then grabbed the terrier by its ear.
Hayes told the officer that he started kicking the pit bull but it would not let go, and he started yelling for someone to get the pit bull off his dog. Hayes told the officer that after 15 to 20 seconds, no one was helping so he took out his pocketknife and began stabbing the pit bull.
Both dogs were initially treated at the Banfield Pet Hospital located inside PetSmart. Clara was stabbed multiple times and was later euthanized because of the extent of her wounds.
Hayes’ terrier sustained a bite to the ear, and later had to be taken to the emergency vet hospital in Union City, where it stayed overnight for observation, according to Sandy Hiser, a volunteer with NCHS. The dog needed to be transported to the emergency vet because of a clotting problem, according to Hiser, who is also an employee of The Newnan Times-Herald in the graphics department.
The terrier was released early Monday. Hiser said it was her understanding the dog left the veterinary hospital “needing only antibiotics and some ointment.” The humane society covered the vet bills for the terrier, Hiser said.
While he was stabbing Clara, Hayes repeatedly shouted “f***ing pit bull,” according to several witnesses.
Mike Wohler and his fiancée, Teresa Reeves, were at the adoption event looking for a male pit bull when they heard a commotion.
“We were literally there for maybe two minutes when we heard screaming from the front of the store,” said Reeves. “When they (the dogs) first got into the scuffle, the man started screaming and that is what we heard.”
Erin Barr was at PetSmart when the incident occurred. According to Barr, Clara had been taken outside to go to the bathroom. After Clara and her handler came back in, Barr said the man said, “If you bring that f***ing pit bull near me I’m going to stab it.”
Barr said the smaller dog growled at Clara.
Another witness, who asked to not be identified, said she and her family had just walked down the aisle where the dogs available for adoption were located and were standing outside the grooming window. Hayes was speaking to a vet tech and his dog was on its leash on the floor in front of him.
She said that, before Clara bit his dog, Hayes didn’t do or say anything “that labeled him a pit hater. Neither he nor his dog were doing anything wrong at the time.”
The woman said that the pit bull “came charging past me and my family and straight toward this small dog … it was terrifying.”
“My granddaughter was very upset. She kept asking – what if she had her dog with her? He is smaller dog than the one attacked and he would not have survived the attack.”
When they heard the commotion, Reeves ran toward the front of the store, with Wohler close behind.
Reeves said Clara had a hold of some loose skin and hair on the terrier’s neck. The two dogs were standing there, not struggling.
“The guy was just screaming ‘f***ing pit bull, why are you even allowed to have these dogs?’” according to Reeves, and Hayes was pushing and kicking and “making things worse.”
“By the time Mike got up there, he had already pulled out the knife and stabbed her once or twice. I had my arms around the dog,” Reeves said, trying to stop the man from stabbing her.
Wohler came around to the other side and had his hands in Clara’s mouth, trying to get her to let go.
“Clara wasn’t clamped down on the dog. Mike was able to put his hands in her mouth,” Reeves said. “It wasn’t an attack; they were just standing there. It could have easily been broken up,” she said. Instead, the man took out his knife, she said.
“He wasn’t stabbing like he was trying to save his dog. He was stabbing trying to kill this dog,” Reeves said. There was tremendous force to the blows, she said.
The man’s son was screaming for his father to stop, according to Reeves. There was blood everywhere, she said.
Wohler said that when he got to the scuffle, there was already blood. He assumed that the blood was coming from the terrier, but it was coming from the stab wounds on Clara.
“My first instinct was – we’ve got to get these dogs apart,” Wohler said.
As he was trying to pull Clara’s jaws apart, someone from PetSmart sprayed them all with a citronella spray, and Clara released the terrier’s ear.
“He got one more stab into her after she let go,” Wohler said. “I didn’t, at this point, realize he was stabbing her. I thought that he was hitting her.”
He said that Clara sat back and was wagging her tail, with her tongue hanging out, and some of the terrier’s hair on her tongue. People were petting her and he saw the blood flowing. And then her breathing became labored and they could hear gurgling as she breathed. She was wrapped up and taken to the veterinary office.
Wohler said he doesn’t think the man should get away with what he did. “He straight murdered this dog in front of 30, 40 people,” he said. “He didn’t like pit bulls. This just gave him the excuse he needed.”
Hayes told police that “he was defending his dog like he would his child if a dog attacked them,” Officer Lee wrote in the report. “He stated that he was not going to let the pit bull kill his dog and he was also afraid that the pit bull would turn and attack him and his 8-year-old son.”
Hayes was contacted by The Newnan Times-Herald on Tuesday. “There’s so much going on, and they’re vilifying me,” Hayes said.
Clara had been in foster care a long time. One of her advocates, Trish Manns, set up a Facebook page, “Clicks for Clara,” in January 2013. The page shows happy pictures of Clara throughout the time, hoping for a forever home, including one visit to Northgate High School. According to the page, she’d lived more than half her life in a boarding kennel in Peachtree City.
Clara had problems being “dog tolerant,” according to the Facebook page. In a post on Dec. 12, 2013, Manns states she “started this FB page after she was banned from adoption events, in an attempt to get her visibility … she needs some training to be more dog tolerant ...”
Hiser said Tuesday the person who “banned” Clara from adoptions last year was not authorized to do so and the ban did not stand.
NCHS had Clara temper tested by a Ph.D and she had no history of harming other animals, according to Hiser. “A lot of dogs don’t like other dogs. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to have a chance at adoption,” she said.
The man who evaluated her “said she could be trained to be more dog tolerant, and it just really kind of depended on the dog.”
“No one labeled her vicious or anything, but dog reactive,” Manns said.
On Aug. 6, someone posted on the Click’s for Clara page about the PetSmart adoptions. “Have you taken her there? Odd no one will adopt her … maybe try there,” the woman said.
“Clara does not show well at PetSmart; I tried that for several months,” Manns posted in response. “Although she gets a lot of attention, she is too excited by the activity and most people there already have multiple pets. Clara initially needs a human-only family, once she has that she will need some training to become more dog tolerant.”
Manns said Tuesday Clara often got excited at the adoption events, but she attended an adoption event last week at Maguire’s in Senoia and it went well, so the “dog coordinator and I talked and said maybe it was time to try taking her.” It was thought that, if Manns, who spent the most time with Clara and took her on walks, wasn’t there, “maybe she wouldn’t be so hyperactive.
“Everything was done with the best intent and heart, wanting to help her find the home she deserved. She certainly didn’t deserve this,” Manns said.
Clara was not a vicious dog, according to Hiser. “If Clara had wanted that dog dead, if would have been dead,” she said. “If she was vicious, she would have turned on the owner.”
“Clara lived in a kennel and absolutely loved people,” Manns said. She thinks most of Clara’s issues with other dogs came from living in a kennel, where she was deprived of social interaction.
Clara’s wounds were worse than originally thought. “They were so extensive that if she had pulled through, it would have impacted her quality of life,” Hiser said. The dog was stabbed approximately three to six times, according to various reports. The police report cited three stab wounds.
So the decision was made to euthanize her. “It was a heart-rending decision. And the people who made it were the people that loved her and knew her the best,” Hiser said.
There had been some social media reports that NCHS made the decision to euthanize because of the cost of treatment and because they didn’t think Clara would be adoptable after the incident.
That was not the case at all, according to Hiser. They could have raised money to cover the treatment, but euthanasia was the best choice for Clara.
NCHS has always been a major advocate for pit bulls, Hiser said. “Nobody wants to kill her because she’s a pit bull,” Hiser said. “No one is a bigger advocate for pit bulls than NCHS.”
Hiser was asked if the incident would have an effect on future adoption events. “They haven’t contacted us, and we haven’t heard of any new guidelines,” Hiser said of PetSmart.
Company officials issued a statement on Tuesday, saying, “Our top priority is the safety of pet parents and pets in our stores. We are working with the pet parent of the terrier to make sure it makes a full recovery.”
Manns said she called Clara her therapist. “I would literally go [to the kennel to visit her] “after a bad day, and I would come back feeling better.”
What happened to Clara is “one of the hardest things I have ever dealt with,” Manns said.
She hopes that Clara’s story might bring attention to “the plight of other dogs that are stuck in long-term foster care.”
“Everybody wants to help,” she said. “That could be something positive … she wasn’t alone.”
- Joe Velez · Top Commenter · Voice of the Voiceless at Bully Breed ActivistAs expected the "pit people" comments are flying. Clueless as you know nothing about bully breed dogs because you morons are so reliant on what the media tells you or sites specifically geared towards printing fake stats on bites to further their agenda. You simply guzzle the kool aid and go with it. And don't give me these BS experiences to try and justify your anti pit comments. Unless you have raised one your opinion means nothing. Continue believing all you read.
- Romeo Cologne · Follow · Top Commenter · Canine Abscondification Specialist at Freelance Dogcatcher · 105 followers
- Tracy Hogan · Top CommenterThey are the `social ADD' victims. They `conveniently' forget the other breeds that went through the same thing in the 70's,`80s and 90's. TOTAL proof of the old adage `Those who forget history are doomed to Repeat it'. Unfortunately it's the animals that suffer from Humans HATE,FEAR and IGNORANCE.
- Joe Velez · Top Commenter · Voice of the Voiceless at Bully Breed ActivistTracy Hogan The only reason why these dogs are demonized as they are is simply due to the avenues of media today. None of this was being blasted back then. Why? No where to blast. We are in the world of mass communication now. This same BS was happening then. Dogs were demonized but it wasn't mainstream like it is now. Ignorance creates the hate and fear. It's a shame because people are so blinded by what they read and hear, they are missing out on the most loving breeds of dog there is. And ironically for a society so well advanced today, we have an army of idiots and morons out there that are quick to believe anything. I have a few bridges to sell them.
- Lori Weiner WinkFunny how these people don't see in the media how Pitts are being used as service dogs because of their strength, loyalty and intelligence. Dog attacks can come from any dog big or small if they are not trained properly and/or are abused. It works the same way with children!!! When they are not taught love and good behavior they grow up to be criminals and assault others and these are some of the same people who are promoting dog fighting. They should be euthanized!!!! Start from the top of the chain!!!!
- Donna Clark Robertson · Follow · Top Commenter · Griffin, GeorgiaWhy all this debate? The stabber was in the wrong, bottom line.He needs TO be charged WITH animal cruelty!
- Hailey Moran · Roopville, GeorgiaGail Jetonne you are a very uneducated person to these dogs as "people eaters" ! A dog is a dog! Just like a person is a person, no matter their skin color! It's peole like you that give these dogs a bad name. Dogs are taught the bad behaviors, just like people learn bad behaviors. I do not believe that people are just born bad and neither are animals! That's why these animals need people like us "pitt people" to advocate for them. I guess you are one of "those people" that thinks if you're not "white" you're a bad person, right? It's the same stereotype.
- Concerned Citizen· Top Commenter (signed in using Hotmail)Sean M Young - Agreed. The whole situation would have been avoided if the pitbull wasn't there. She had been up for adoption for 2+ years for a reason. The pro-pitbull agenda of the NCHS is what ultimately put Mr. Hayes Westie, his son, himself, and the customers at PetSmart at risk.
- Brittany Ruth Kanoy Ackley · Works at Blue Ridge Wildlife InstituteI have a Doberman. And Chihuahuas. and a pitbull. Bear, my pit, is the sweetest dog out of the four. I would trust him with my daughter sooner than I would trust my Doberman or Chihuahuas. All dogs learn from their owners. hey have to be taught somewhere. I raised my dogs with love and they act like it. And what if the dog that got attacked was a pitbull and the other dog was a terrier. there wouldn't be this much debate. any person that stabs an animal should get inserious trouble whether its a pitbull a doberman or Chihuahua.
- Kelly Amburgey · Herzig CollegeLayla Olin then why was he even near that area, and i have had a westie with my pittie and never a problem to me he was trying to get this started if he was PREVENTING CRUELTY TO AN ANIMAL HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN NEAR CLARA, he caused cruelty to both animals
- Donna Clark Robertson · Follow · Top Commenter · Griffin, GeorgiaGail Jetonne Why don't you become more educated about dogs in general. Don't call me nuts, your the one who needs training!
- Donna Clark Robertson · Follow · Top Commenter · Griffin, GeorgiaMarc Kenton He is a dangerous person who needs to be taught you just cant kill rather it be a human or a DOG!
- Layla Olin · Top Commenter · Arkport, New YorkKelly Amburgey Kelly, ALL counts agree that the pit was being escorted OUT of the store because she wasn't behaving well. She then broke free and attacked the Westie. The Westie was leashed, and with her owner to see the store vet. He did not approach Clara until she attacked his pet.
- Kelly Amburgey · Herzig CollegeLayla Olin again if that was the case why was he not holding his dog if he was preventing cruelty to an animal.i have had westies and i have 2 pits and a german shepard, when i take my westie into a pet store i either carry him or put him in a cart that is being a responsible dog owner no matter the breed he was not a responsible pet owner and if that is the case if clara attacked why wasnt she injured badly or killed to me he could of prevented alot but his action say different and if you read the entire story before this happened he was already saying a few choice words no excuse common sense is to walk out of the store if you have a problem with a certain breed,
- Layla Olin · Top Commenter · Arkport, New YorkKelly Amburgey His dog was leashed. That is what is expected in public. This man was following the law. The pit broke loose and did a lot of damage to the Westie by the owner's account. If a strange dog was killing one of your Westies, would you just stand by and let it happen?
- Kelly Amburgey · Herzig CollegeLayla Olin leash or not a responible owner who does not like this breed would of still carried their dog. a man who killed another animal is now saying this about his dog because he is trying to make what he did acceptable,but witness stated total different of his story , and for me with my westie i DO NOT LET HIM WALK AROUND THE PET STORE THAT IS WHAT BEING RESPONISBLE IS ALL ABOUT, going into a pet store as big as petsmart is called responible. you can defend this ass all you want i will defend the pit his was in the wrong and not responible and he caused animal cruelty
- Layla Olin · Top Commenter · Arkport, New YorkKelly Amburgey That's just weird. People have their small dogs on leashes all over the place. Are you saying small dogs should be carried wherever they go because irresponsible people don't control their large dogs? What, do you carry your dogs around the park and hold them over a garbage can to poop? Where is the weight limit--20lbs of dog could get pretty heavy on a walk. No, the onus is on owners of large dogs to control them. Clara's handler is at fault here--especially considering Clara's prior history of animal aggression. Any dog that tries to "snack" on one of my cats or kids will find itself taking a lead shower.
- Kelly Amburgey · Herzig CollegeLayla Olin yet again ignornace is bliss, I SAID A RESPONSIBLE OWNER WHO ALREADY DOES NOT LIKE THE BREED but now your just plain out right being a dumb ass lets see how well you actually read the the article as the dumb ass was stabbing her she was not aggressive towards him at all, and didnt fight him back can you explain that one, but she was aggressive, i am not going to keep debating this with ignorance which is what your are being with your stupid come backs, learn and educated and read the entire article not just what you want to see, im done dealing with ignorance like you and hey IF THE SHOES FITS THEN LACE THEM BITCHES UP cause i know you will have another ignorant comment. I AM EDUCATED ON PITBULLS AND HAVE FRIENDS WHO HAVE RESCUES AND EDUCATE AND TRAIN ON THEM maybe you need a class in them before you jump on the bashing pitull bandwagon.
- Linsey Mullin · Follow · Top Commenter · Antiques and Book Dealerat Ebay, Golden Nugget Antiques MarketHere's an idea: Get a dog that doesn't have huge, shark-like jaws (yeah; sharks look like they're "smiling", too) and hasn't been bred for 100+ years to attack without warning, and the world will be a better, safer place. People will still get bitten by dogs, but they won't be losing arms, legs, and their lives. There isn't one other breed who doesn't give off some kind of warning, "get away" signal first before attacking - only pit bulls.
- Linsey Mullin · Follow · Top Commenter · Antiques and Book Dealerat Ebay, Golden Nugget Antiques MarketNo, Joey - you don't be scared. I'll continue to be scared for all the babies who are weekly mauled and eaten by these lovely killing machines - and also for the adults how are attacked and killed without warning, as well as the cats, dogs and other family pets. You think it's funny, don't you? Want to see some photos? Want to talk to some parents who've had their children killed by the family pittie? I doubt it - you want to take it all as a huge joke.
- Linsey Mullin · Follow · Top Commenter · Antiques and Book Dealerat Ebay, Golden Nugget Antiques MarketToo bad for Joey M. Pitt that I'm old enough to remember when there wasn't even any controversy in the USA about dogs, dog owners, and dog laws. It wasn't even an issue, because family pets weren't killing their own family members weekly and even daily in this country.
- Hailey Moran · Roopville, GeorgiaLinsey Mullin If you're old enough to remember, then you remember all of the years that rotties, Dobermans and German Shepards were in the spotlight of being "outlawed" because of their aggression. It's just a vicious cycle. Dogs are dogs, any dog can attack. Just like any person can shoot you going down the streets. It's not the breed, dogs are not breed to fight. They've just gotten a bad reputation due to ignorance.
- Gail Jetonne · Top Commenter · Works at HousewifeHailey Moran , I am not the one that had a dog aggressive pit and allowed it to get loose and attack a dog....Another pit dead because of the so called pit advocate people. In over 20 plus years of having dogs , none of my dogs have ever gotten into a fight or attack anyone ...That is called training.....Bottom line you pit nutters never take responsibility for your fighting breed....Just like you are doing now!
- Lisa Lackie · Follow · Top Commenter · Recycling atttendant atCowichan Valley Regional DistrictMarc Kenton obviously you are a hater, it doesn't matter the breed of the dog, that man had no rights to CONTINUALLY STAB this animal, lets hope no one hates anything or anyone in your household, and they get stabbed...........THIS WAS OVER KILL.. Do you hate different races of people too? Is it ok to kill whatever you feel is not to your liking?? I am believer of the facts, if someone is trying to get the dog away and this man keeps stabbing, is that OK? he could have hurt a lot more people than just the dog, but in your mind it is ok because it is a pit bull....HATE is clouding your judgement!!!!! where is the PROOF this dog was out of control?
- Marc Kenton · Top Commenter · Orange, CaliforniaLisa Lackie ; pitbulls have been well documented through the decades to be impervious to pain. Thats why they are the dog of choice for fights. The only way to know they cannot continue to attack is to incapacitate them. The owner of the small dog knew what he was doing. What additional proof do you need to know the dog was out of control? How about it escaped its leash when it saw another dog, it clamped down on the other dogs ear and "Clara the love dog" had a proven disposition to be not a sociable canine.
BTW, calling someone a hater just proves to the world that you are incapable of having an intelligent conversation. - Lisa Lackie · Follow · Top Commenter · Recycling atttendant atCowichan Valley Regional DistrictMarc Kenton having an intelligent conversation with you will result in you killing what you don't like, why do you think killing is the only answer??????????? to me killing is wrong, that man was intent on killing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he kept stabbing the dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! yes, he was wrong!!!!!!! - Tracy Hogan · Top CommenterMarc Kenton What's at fault is your reading Comprehension! If Clara was so `out of control',as you put it, spraying her with the citronella spray like they did-which worked,would not have done a thing. There were other dogs there too. She didn't have a problem with them.
- Diana Beall · Top Commenter · The University of Southern MississippiBrenda Carr As I read all these comments, some people are forgetting what occured during the "dog attack". Clara had ahold of the Westtie, both were standing still. I've seen dog attacks and neither dog stand still. It's an ongoing battle, unless a human(s) intervenes. There was no battle. I would not want my Pom attacked by a larger dog, pit or no pit. And, I would risk getting bitten to get the larger dog away from my dog. Killing is not an option, if you value life. But, 2 people knew what they had to do, get the dogs separate. And, that was what they were doing. If Hayes had stepped back and let people who knew what they were doing, handle the situation, both dogs would have walked away without serious injuries. The person with their arms around Clara was trying to protect her from Hayes, who kept stabbing Clara over and ov... See More
- Rosemarie Zidner · Follow · Top Commenter · Weston Collegiate InstituteGail Jetonne your ignorance like many is why this breed has been given a bad rap! The unfortunate ones accused of being a vicious breed have been abused by the idiots that get them and use them for fighting (for their lives) by the way. This breed is NOT dangerous and I personally know they are as kind and gentle as a Labrador, BUT if their FAMILY IS THREATENED they will protect and that includes the other 4 legged family members. We must take into consideration the WHOLE STORY behind any BREED's past life and see WHY they may have behavorial problems. Even our children have problems with attitude differences from one or another....all in the upbringing. WE NEVER FAULT a CHILD for their parents lack of teaching from "Right from Wrong". Same for the unfortunate four legged companions, they can not know the difference of being properly loved and HOW to conduct themselves. I have known many children that were unruly (bullies) and as adults became downright mean and rude. Same for HUMAN &/or ANIMAL ... PUT the BLAME where it belongs, with original person whom was doing the upbringing! This man carried out his feelings towards a specific BREED in a very violent way, in front of his son. CONTRIDICTION on his part, he showed a HUMAN is just as capable of killing, for NO REASON. Anyone with a heart would read andsee HOW WRONG this man was!
- Erin Jenkins · Top CommenterMarc Kenton protecting from what? you weren't there. a lot of dogs play rough. even one of the witnesses said that he could easily put his hand into clara's mouth. she let go right away and sat and wagged her tail. i believe it is mr. hayes overreacted. and he not only killed a dog, he traumatized a bunch of people. and btw, his dog lexie wears purple bows. this guy has issues.
- Marc Kenton · Top Commenter · Orange, CaliforniaDonna Clark Robertson ; oh yes you can. Every state has a law stating that you can use any force necessary in stopping an animal attack upon yourself or your property. These laws ate found in the agriculture codes and have been around as part of common law for centuries.
- Romeo Cologne · Follow · Top Commenter · Canine Abscondification Specialist at Freelance Dogcatcher · 105 followersGail Jetonne Dogs fight. It's a fact. But it should not be a death sentence! Educate yourself and stop making ignorant statements. For all you Pit-hating fools, there are mountains of studies that show that Pitbulls are not any more prone to attack than any other breed. But the media only reports Pitbulls. You are pathetic.
- Marc Kenton · Top Commenter · Orange, CaliforniaRomeo Cologne ; so for you pitbullers, its perfectly acceptable for your dog to attack other dogs, but the moment someone intervenes to protect their dog, that person is evil?
Their are two types of dogfights. Those that are between two non pitbull breeds, which usually end quickly and with no lasting damage. Then there are dogfights that involve pitbulls, in which the outcome is death or horrendous tissue damage.
Repeat after me .... "pitbulls were bred to fight. Pitbulls fight differently than other canines. pitbulls were bred to fight. Pitbulls fight differently than other canines. pitbulls were bred to fight. Pitbulls fight differently than other canines. pitbulls were bred to fight. Pitbulls fight differently than other canines." - Pamela HeadyGail Jetonne you are a sad excuse for a human being. You probably teach your kids this hate. You have no facts you are just spitting bs out of your mouth without anything to backit up. Stereotyping a dog is like stereotyping a human. Either way it's not okay. You aresadly mistaken. Would it have been okay if the two dogs were kids? You are pathetic and judgemental I feel sorry for your kids. I don't own a pit bull but have several friends that do and none of their kids have ever been attacked not even when they pulled their ears,tails or poked them in the eye. I've seen more small dogs attack kids then anything but i don't hate on small dogs. Marc Kenton your an idiot as well. Some dogs are bread to hunt, to run, to heard to protect... But all that matters is how they are trained just like kids!!! The pit bull wasn't being aggressive. Just like any dog if the pit bull wanted to cause harm it would have. So educate yourself people! Stop being so closed minded and dumb.
- Lori Weiner WinkGail Jetonne They are only dangerous because these jerks use them to fight. In the past it was the Rottie, the shepard etc... I have owned all and have raised all of them with my children and are gentle loving babies. A good owner has a good pet!!! If they are bred to be a family dog they will be a family dog but these Ghetto people give them a bad rap!!! Everyone was a fan of Petey on the Little Rascels back in the day before it became the "bully breed". Petey was a Pit!!!
- Debra Crocker · Top Commenter · Belvidere High SchoolMarc Kenton
Why is this only about pit bulls. This has zero to do with the breed. It has to do with dog interactions, and peoples reactions. The person who stabbed this dog was and is wrong. If this involved a Lab and this little dog, would we have been talking about this as a breed specific incident? I sincerely doubt it. Instead more people would be outraged that a person stabbed a dog. Get off the breed thing everyone, that is not the point. - Marina Castillo · Top Commenter · Charlotte, North CarolinaMarc Kenton, You need to read the accounts of events reported by witness who, were present in the store at that moment. The little dog only had one small bite on his/hers ears (1) As a volunteer dog walker and helper at many adoption events in these chain of stores and as a good customer of Pet Smart I'm telling you That Hayes did not have to stab Clara to death and he needs to be charge with aggravated animal cruelty.
- Amnon Costigan · Top CommenterMy dogs love you and your pets, Gail, and they just want to play and be loved like most normal dogs (crappy little ankle biter at the dog park yesterday notwithstanding). You are entitled to your phobias just like I'm entitled to my dogs. That said, be mindful that I am on alert for pit-bull-hating psychos, so you would be provoking an incident like the above at your own risk of a) being kissed by my dogs and b) me protecting my dogs with my life.
- Gail Jetonne · Top Commenter · Works at HousewifeMarina Castillo ...Really, you think it isn't a problem to bring a pit with many aggression issues to a public place and allow it to attack? The little dog had it ear about ripped off, had bites to the neck and about died....It is NCHS that put everyone in danger with their pit agenda ...
- Debra Crocker · Top Commenter · Belvidere High SchoolGail Jetonne ...Gail, you are a true hater! You should seek out DBO, if you aren't already a gold star member. A dog, is a dog, is a dog. When are people like you going to stop looking for the devil in all things you don't understand, and can not comprehend. Thank God that you weren't around during the civil rights movement, or the would've definitely been yelling "ban the books, don't let them use my bathroom....turn on the burners". Seriously.
- Marina Castillo · Top Commenter · Charlotte, North CarolinaGail Jetonne You have a problem! You do not understand, I guessed you just talk to talk!! Please get inform,. Here is an UPDATE 2 days AFTER the little dog went home from the emergency vet. clinic. According to Haser Newman Humane Society ''The Westie sustained minor injuries. Both animals were treated at the Banfield Pet Hospital inside PetSmart. There was some kind of issue with blood clotting, and the Westie was later transported to the emergency vet office in Union City where it stayed overnight for observation, according to Sandy Hiser with the Newnan-Coweta Humane Society.. The dog was released Monday morning. The NCHS is covering the medical bills for the Westie, according to Hiser.''http:// 20140901-Dog-euthanized-aft er-stabbing-at-PetSmart - Debra Crocker · Top Commenter · Belvidere High SchoolGail Jetonne Really? I have three rescued Pit Bulls and I got them because people like you don't give them a chance. With so many being murdered by people like you, with such closed minds, I couldn't take it anymore and when my Golden Retriever passed I got pit bulls - to SAVE THEM not to be tough. I am a 58 year old professional, who owns a nice farmette. These dogs are the best breed I've ever owned. Stop spewing stupidity and intolerance.
- Tank Whisperer · Elm Grove, West VirginiaMarc Kenton it wasn't attacking.....have you ever seen a dog attack are you a behaviorist, do you have knowledgeable sources of information to make yourself credible cause all of the people there worked with animals and they probably could've just pulled them right apart. As far as his Alex use saying Clara could've turned on him or his family, yea and horses could be unicorns of they had a horn. The dog wagged it's tail and smiled as it bled out on the was probably an overzealous attempt at playing
- Michael Steele · Follow · Atlanta, GeorgiaHayes should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What a terrible tragedy that this dog Clara, who needed love, found only bitter hatefulness and had to euthanized.
- Michael Steele · Follow · Atlanta, GeorgiaBased on the article and witness statements, it sounds like the only out of control person or animal was Mr. Hayes, who was wildly stabbing with his pocket knife. Clara's injuries to the other dog were minor, and from the sounds of it, would have been even less so had Mr. Hayes been in control of his actions. Hopefully the police see that Mr. Hayes was doing much more than defending himself, and based on his comments and witness statements find his intent and action toward an undeserving dog criminal.
- Dale Sebetka · Top Commenter · DeVry University - Addison CampusMike, So if Clara had escaped in the parking lot and was run over and killed then you would blame the person driving the car for not stopping and not the dog’s owner/handler? Mr. Hayes did not initiate this encounter. He responded to an illegally loose dog that attacked and injured another animal. Why in the world is it his fault?
I find it frightening that so many people want to make up laws and punishment to meet their biased opinions. These are the same people who may be on a jury someday deciding someone’s fate with their own distorted views absent of facts. - Marc Kenton · Top Commenter · Orange, California
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