- Brian Adamson · Top Commenter · Stud at A&d transportationhttp://
www.journalvetbehavior.com/ article/ S1558-7878(07)00236-5/ abstract here is some actual science http:// www.appliedanimalbehaviour. com/article/ S0168-1591(13)00292-X/ abstract by actual scientists, not a failed psychic http:// www.journalvetbehavior.com/ article/ S1558-7878(07)00264-X/ abstract that proves it is in fact NOT THE BREED OR GENETICS. It is the owners of the individual problem dogs that are responsible for the behavior of their dogs. Millions of pit bull type dogs never hurt anyone while only 0.0001% ever attack anyone. It does not take a genius to figure out that 0.0001% does not add up to an entire group of dogs being defective. The only thing defective is your thought process. - Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyI've warned Ms. Wall before about the legal consequences of touting "break sticks" to the public, but she has chosen to ignore it. Breaks sticks are considered dog fighting paraphernalia by many law enforcement agencies and you will have some explaining to do if certain police officers sees you with one. They are also responsible for many serious dog bites in the hands of inexperienced users. She is not quoting a snippet about break sticks directed at animal shelters to the general public because she cares about people. She is doing it to make people think pit bulls are different and require special tools to handle, but since there are over 1 million pit bulls in the U.S. and very few people even know what a break stick is, I'd say that's a good clue that she has no clue what she is quoting or talking about. She's also negle... See More
- Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyAnd that sounds like reputable information. I expect people who live in a country that is dog centric to learn how to behave around dogs, read dog body language, get involved with helping the community stop irresponsible ownership & breeding and definitely learn how to break up a dog fight without a high risk of getting bit while doing it.
- Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyBTW, Pit Bull Rescue Center is a “virtual shelter”. That means it is a resource for rescues and owners of certain types of bully breeds to use. They are not, nor do they claim to be, a leading authority on anything. The fact that Ms. Wall touts them as that, when they themselves deny it is laughable. Here’s their mission statement: http://www.pbrc.net/
info.html That’s quite a different perspective that what Ms. Wall’s cut and pasted together snippets offer. Shame on her. - Dakota West · Top CommenterAnnals of Surgery:
April 2011 - Volume 253 - Issue 4 - p 791–797
doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e318211cd68
Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs
Bini, John K. MD; Cohn, Stephen M. MD; Acosta, Shirley M. RN, BSN; McFarland, Marilyn J. RN, MS; Muir, Mark T. MD; Michalek, Joel E. PhD; for the TRISAT Clinical Trials Group
Conclusions: Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites.
http://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/Abstract/ 2011/04000/ Mortality,_Mauling,_and_Mai ming_by_Vicious_Dogs.23.as px - Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyThe TRISAT Clinic Trial Group study “Mortality, Mauling…..”. You can find the study here:http://
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/21475022. Notice the only two citations on the study page on PubMed are links that point to TWO rebuttals published in the Annals of Surgery that list other studies that totally debunk the first study. The published rebuttals list many flaws with that one study. There are no citations in favor of the study.
Not only the Annals, but also the Journal of American Veterinary Medicine published rebuttals to the flawed study because so many people were upset that junk science was published in the Annals. Here’s your favorite groups published rebuttal: http://nationalcanineresearchcounc il.com/uploaded_files/ tinymce/ Bini-Commentary-FINAL.pdfThat rebuttal not only lists the inaccuracies and flaws with the TRISAT study, but also lists other studies that are in direct contradiction to it. The scientific community is a wonderful resource for facts and many scientists & researchers are very quick to call out bad science, as was the case with the TRISAT study “Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming…”, which is why the only people who use it for reference are people pushing for breed specific legislation. - Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyThe NCRC has experts in the field AND they have published many peer reviewed papers and are looked at favorably and often turned to in the scientific community for their research into canine behavior. What's REALLY funny is someone that posted about Alexandria Semyonova is trying to discount them! THAT is funny. Here's more NCRC with actual ground truthed, peer reviewed papers on Dog Bite Fatalities http://
nationalcanineresearchcounc il.com/dogbites/ dog-bite-related-fatalities /. - Terry HoltDakota West · the annals of surgery study isn't really a study it's a joke among the legitimate scientists
http://merritcliftondebunked.blogs pot.com.au/2015/02/ the-annals-of-surgery-study .html - Dakota West · Top CommenterMary Ricker Maybe you should look up what "peer reviewed" actually means in the scientific community. The NCRC actually has none.
- Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyReally? I'm sorry, you must be new to this. And of course you missed the two citations on the NCBI link in dispute of the TRISAT study. Are they somehow linked to NCRC? Sorry, they are not. http://
www.freerepublic.com/focus/ chat/3103448/posts - Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyIt's unfortunate you are trying to change the subject by trying to discredit the NCRC, when plenty of other research not done by the NCRC has also been posted here. Of course, board members of the NCRC have actually authored, co-authored & published papers that were peer reviewed. Like I said below, you don't like the breed, just own it instead of trying to tell white lies to make it sound more rational. Here's non-NCRC data for you. http://
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/8657532 ; And here's Karen Delise of NCRC peer reviewed and published: http:// avmajournals.avma.org/doi/ abs/10.2460/ javma.243.12.1726 - Mary Ricker · Top CommenterSo which is? They don't have any peer reviewed, published papers, or they do but you don't like how some of the data was obtained? http://
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/23904637 That's from Canada btw, well out of the reach of any claim of being influenced by the NCRC.
The link to freerepublic was used because you can read the paper for free from there. If you'd rather, go on another site and pay to read the paper, instead of reading it for free on freerepublic or just go to the NCRC's page http://www.nationalcanineresearchc ouncil.com/blog/ potentially-preventable-hus bandry-factors-co-occur-in -most-dog-bite-related-fat alities/ It's that simple. - Brian Adamson · Top Commenter · Stud at A&d transportationDakota West You can claim that the NCRC is biased and they may very well be. The only problem is, biased or not, their research has been peer reviewed and accepted in the scientific community. Karen Delise discloses all of her raw data for anyone that would like to check her work. That is how it is supposed to be. It does not matter if she is pro pit bull or not because her work is sound and scientifically accepted. One could easily argue that Merritt Clifton and Colleen Lynne are biased as well because they are. That is not a problem either, as long as they disclose all of their raw data so it can be peer reviewed. OOOHHH that is a big problem though isn't it. Merritt does not share any of his data used to come up with his conclusions and Colleen just uses Merritt's studies. Nothing peer reviewed and a complete refusal to show his work adds up to junk science. No wonder they try so hard to discredit an honest, respected researcher. This is getting comical
- Mary Ricker · Top CommenterI've never seen Karen Delise harass anyone. I've seen plenty examples of her being harassed by dogsbite supporters like Jeff B. He's devoted whole blog posts to talking about her, AFF and several other people. I've seen nothing like that from her or any other people that are affiliated with the NCRC. For the most part, she seems to try and ignore him and the crazy people that are constantly posting about her. I've also seen on dogsbite own web blog their detailed stalking of victim's families & friends to try and find anyone that would say it was pit bull that killed someone in cases where law enforcement & animal control said it was not a pit bull. http://article.sapub.org/
10.5923.j.sociology.2013030 2.02.html - Terry HoltDakota West · the annals of surgery study isn't really a study it's a joke among the legitimate scientists
http://merritcliftondebunked.blogs pot.com.au/2015/02/ the-annals-of-surgery-study .html - Terry HoltDakota West you are critical of all the legitimate sources while quoting dogsbut?? pmsl are you serious?
http://debunkingdogsbite.blogspot. com.au/2015/02/ the-manipulations-and-attac ks-of.html
- Dakota West · Top CommenterHeritability of Behavior in the Abnormally Aggressive Dog
http://www.scribd.com/doc/14810086/ Heritability-of-Behavior-in -the-Abnormally-Aggressive -Dog-by-A-Semyonova - Mary Ricker · Top Commenter · Network Analyst III at The Nature ConservancyThat's a funny post because it is NOT a study, nor was it published in the scientific community. It was published on Colleen Lynn's web blog.
Alexandra Semyonova doesn't have any academic credentials or degrees. She has no canine behavior training. She hasn't published any papers for peer review. She has published a book titled "The 100 Silliest Things People Say about Dogs". It was self-published. She preaches that dogs function within an extreme dominance hierarchy with the exception of Pit Bulls, which she says are not normal dogs because they don't respond to anything. Sorry, but she's a total quack who was hoping to cash in on the dog craze with her book but it didn't work.
It's time for dogsbite supporters to start being honest and quit trying to convince people that pit bulls are dangerous by lying to everyone. Just own it. You don't like the breed. You can say that without trying to fudge numbers or posting debunked studies or blogs that look like they are actual papers when they are not. - Dakota West · Top CommenterMary Ricker
You're a quack. LMAO
You're just jealous that she has more knowledge then the vet tech that started the NCRC.
- Marc Brown · Top Commenter · NYUSometimes pit bull owners tell the truth -- when they think no one else is listening. From a pit bull fan forum (note the generic term ‘bulldog’ and that they know they have unpredictable killers):
( Just Like any other dog ?)
DON'T Leave your Dogs Unsupervised
There have been a few posts around lately that some owners think it's OK to leave their Bulldogs out in the yard unsupervised, or leave their 2 dogs in the house unseparated when at work. The excuse is usually, " I know my dogs, and they won't fight, their not like that" or "It never happened before so it probably won't" or " my yard is secure, they can't get out and nothing can get in".
Well here's a little reality check for ya, this is just 2 examples of the many stories I've come across over the years from both seasoned bulldog owners and newcomers to the breed.
PLEAS... See More- Terry Holtand he we have marc stalker brown demonstrating how he trolls forums copying and pasting peoples comment to use against them and in his heartless genesidal mission to rid the earth of the demon dog, honestly most of these DBO Cultists are unhinged and verging on deranged , they're far more dangerous then any dogs could ever be.
- Jackie Jenkins · Top Commenterthe last time I checked large tent stakes were legal. But they make a really great break stick
- Jackie Jenkins · Top Commenterbut I can see why as a pitbull owner you would be concerned about carrying a break stick. .Lol
- Luke & Babette's Big "Pitbull" LobbyFor Boomer's next literary trick, "Why I probably hate your lovable [insert race here] family member." In the same way a racist blames minorities when they read about crime, Boomer here sees a "pit bull" problem when he is faced with an unleashed dog. Incidentally, the reason why "pit bulls" register the highest in your sketchy bite statistics is because they are the most popular dog for both US families and click-desperate journalists.
- Jackie Jenkins · Top Commenterthis one's for all the geniuses, when I have a large orange tent stake in my car. So that I can use it as a break stick. and I don't have a pitbull loaded in a crate in my car. It's probably going to look like I'm carrying a tent stake. Just FYI
- Jackie Jenkins · Top Commenterlooks like you hate pitbulls for the same reason most sensible people in the country do. Thank you for sharing
- Marc Brown · Top Commenter · NYU2014: 45 dead by dog attack in 2014. 35 killed by pit bull type dogs / pit bull mixes (78%). Stars (**) indicate that the killer was someone’s beloved family pit bull that was never abused or neglected. The double dagger (‡) indicates that the ‘pet’ pit bull belonged to the deceased person, their family or a relative.
Please note that it’s not abused, under-socialized pit bulls doing most of the killing. 83% of the dead children and 72% of the dead adults were killed by someone’s ‘beloved family pet’ pit bull. 56% of the dead children and 39% of the dead adults were killed by their own family’s ‘beloved pet’ pit bull.
Child fatalities by pit bull type dogs (18):
Kara Hartrich – 4 y.o. – Bloomington IL ** ‡ [Jan 17]
Je’vaeh Mayes – 2 y.o. – Temple TX ** ‡ [Feb 17 – pit bull was being babysat by child’s parents]
Braelynn Rayn... See More- Marc Brown · Top Commenter · NYU33 dead by dog attack in 2013.
Pit bull type dogs killed thirty of them. Sixteen of that thirty are children.
Stars indicate people killed by a ‘family’ pit bull – ones that had been raised and cherished as an indoor pet, and ‘never showed aggression before’.
Child fatalities by pit bull type dog (16):
Christian Gormanous - 4 yrs old
Isaiah Aguilar - 2 yrs old
Ryan Maxwell – Conroe TX – 7 yrs old **
Dax Borchardt – Walworth WI – 14 mos old **
Monica Laminack – Bryan Co GA – 21 mos old **
Tyler Jett – Callaway FL – 7 yrs old
Jordyn Arndt – Prairie City IA – 4 yrs old **
Beau Rutledge – Fulton Co GA – 2 yrs old **
Ayden Evans- Garland Co AR – 5 yrs old **
Nephi Selu – Union City CA – 6 yrs old **... See More
- Pit Bulls Attack People EverydayThe Pit Bull lobby – Jane Berkey, Animal Farm Foundation, Karen Delise, The National Canine Research Council, Indeterminate Breeds
https://daxtonsfather.wordpress.com /2014/08/16/ the-pit-bull-lobby-jane-ber key-animal-farm-foundation -karen-delise-the-national -canine-research-council-i ndeterminate-breeds/
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Friday, 20 February 2015
Jackie Jenkins · Top Commenter yeah because most of the trainers These well love dogs are taken to, are purposely training the dog behind the owners back to attack and kill its owners.
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