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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Laurie Miller Musselman I'm relieved that these dangerous pit bulls bit her and mauled her, and not an innocent child or innocent bystander. She sounds like a moron (VICTIM ADVOCACY DBO STYLE)


A police officer shot a pit bull dog as it savaged its female owner in her suburban backyard yesterday.
The woman underwent surgery at Taranaki Base Hospital yesterday for lacerations to her face and arms.
A family spokesman said the woman was not only distressed about what happened to her, but was equally upset at what had happened to her dogs.
Two other dogs were not involved in the attack but were taken away by New Plymouth District Council animal control officers. Their fate was uncertain last night.
The dogs were her beloved pets, the family spokesman said.
"She walked them every day. They were her babies. She's distraught," he said.
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A police officer shot a pit bull dog as it savaged its female owner in her suburban backyard yesterday.
  • 19 people like this.
  • Jean Olszewski I love how they always tell you not to get in the middle of a dog fight. What they should say is a pit bull fight. I witnessed a dog fight between a Rottweiler and a Rhodesian Ridgeback . The owners grabbed each dog and if was over , even through both were from the working group, and both males.
    9 · 6 hrs
    • Anita Dale exactly, thank you, it's not a dogfight between pits, it's a DOGFIGHT. other dogs don't do this!!!
  • Patricia Forbell Yep this is what happens when they treated like normal dogs...Yes Laurie its best it went pit on the nutter.
    3 · 6 hrs
  • Laurie Miller Musselman I'm relieved that these dangerous pit bulls bit her and mauled her, and not an innocent child or innocent bystander. She sounds like a moron. Pit bulls are absolutely not your so called "babies". They are dangerous, fully capable adult dogs who bit her, mauled her and could have killed her. So glad the police put this violent pit bull down, it was dangerous creature who turned on the idiot owner who loved them. Whew. It's time for laws to restrict these dangerous dogs.
    13 · 6 hrs
  • Julie Hartwell She must be an absolutely horrible owner. Clearly she should never have owned any pets since she raised them to attack her and be vicious.
    4 · 5 hrs
  • BJ Bromer I wonder? If she raised an alligator from a baby, would it turn on her as an adult? Same s*it, lol.
    1 · 4 hrs
  • Jeremy Arnold It's all how you raise em. Lol
    2 · 6 hrs
  • Julie Lawrence-Husemann Dogs have pack mentality... raised properly they act properly..
  • Anita Dale the policeman must have been a good shot. it usually takes more than one to take down a pit.
  • Dawn Dodd Idiot, babies indeed what if they had attacked a baby, bloody wacko animal lovers make me sick
  • Jay G Davis This of course is a mental illness this woman suffers from.
    2 · 3 hrs
  • Miviejo Cepeda Police said she'll make a quick recovery and will be back at putting her whole community at risk with her savage pets, taking them out for walks, so they have the chance of hurting or killing other people and animals. I feel warm and fussy already.
  • Gwendolyn Hanan Well heck, the only thing to do here is to take her and her 3 babies and toss them all in the back yard again. Buh-Bye!! Once the screaming stops, dispatch any surviving pit bulls.

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