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Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Lisa Moyer, what went wrong?

You know I had a long conversation with an older lady today. I 

told her about my losses in life. Surprisingly she complimented 

me that I was so strong. 12 years ago lost my grandmother in 

November. December 24th.. after 30k lost my custody battle 

(simply ran out of money). In January had 2 Grand Mal seizures 

and forced to file bankruptcy because of medical costs. 

Everything that meant the most was gone. Even wanted to cash 

myself in. But I am still here today. What have I learned? 

JUSTICE is a fallacy, but there is always Karma that waits in the 

dark corners of those thinking they are above the law. ANGER 

is not healthy it takes time away from your life to harbor it. PITY 

those that have done you wrong because what goes around 

truly does come around. FORGIVE because it just takes too 

much energy not to. MOVE FORWARD because the past is 

gone never to return. Today is a fresh start and tomorrow may 

never come. BE GRATEFUL that your have overcome pain and 

are a better person for it. A simple life is a better life.
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