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Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Earl Upham 3 hrs We have the facts and they have the fallacy. (Earl wouldn't know a fact if it bit him on the butt)

We have the facts and they have the fallacy. Unfortunately it isn't funny because everyday someone gets an unwanted( so some people actually want to be attacked by dogs Earl?) attack from a Pit. When will the misery end? (only you can stop your misery Earl) The fallacy of all those posed Pits being loving is irresponsible due in part by ignorance and outright deception. (deception is something I'm sure you're familiar with Earl after all you all try and tell parents their children are 100% safe from dog attack if they don't own a pitbull, this lie has led to an ever escalating death toll as all breeds/types of dogs can, do and have killed humans Earl and that's a fact)
FALLACY is a noun
a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.
"the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy"
(much similar to the fallacy that all pitbulls kill Earl after all unless pitbulls are hiding their victims somewhere in a mass grave your numbers just don't add up, but that's understandible really seeing as they all com from the fraud Merritless Clifton)

synonyms: misconception, misbelief, delusion, mistaken impression, error, misapprehension, misinterpretation, misconstruction, mistake; More (if you check you dictionary there's apicture of Colleen Lynn with those definitions as being the master of lies and manipulation, ater all she's a failed psychic)

a failure in reasoning that renders an argument invalid.
faulty reasoning; misleading or unsound argument.
"the potential for fallacy which lies behind the notion of self-esteem" ( and here's where Jeff Boofhead Borchardt comes into play except he takes it even further by bullying, harassing and stalking women and children because he too gutless to take on a man)
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  • 4 people like this.
  • Earl Upham Boy oh boy does the camera lie when it comes to Pits! (the lie doesn't come from the camera it comes from so called self pronounced expert like yourself Earl , you and all your foamer cultist mates are the liars)
    2 hrs · Like · 1

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