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Tuesday, 3 February 2015



Parents have no right to deny their children vaccinations so as to prove their parental rights, exposing not only their own offspring to a preventable and serious illness, but other people's children and pregnant women as well. Are these the same folks who put their little ones photos online cuddling with the pit bull that later killed them? 2014 is astounding in the number of human fatalities and 2015 with three already. When Michael Jackson dangled his six month old son over a hotel balcony in November of 2002, it resulted in a public outrage. Our outrage now should be directed toward the sociopathic, narcissistic owners of pit bulls who are allowed to continue breeding and endanger the public and their own offspring.
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  • 5 people like this.
  • Heather Jackson Well , that's quite a leap. You my friend are why they call us foamers  do us a favor and wait until the pain pills wear off a little before you post..........
    9 hrs · Like · 4
  • Heather Jackson What are your stats based on ? Studies from 60 years ago when antibiotics were not widespread and ear infections went unchecked? Yes , yes they are. There is a reason the cdc won't use studies from developed countries with modern medicine and that is because they are tied into the drug companies financially. Measles is a mild illness in a healthy child, even milder than the flu and shorter lived. The encephalitis develops in kids who get the vaccine as well and kills or causes severe permanent brain damage as well. You should go visit a. Special needs classroom , chances are there are several vaccine injured kids in there. Their parents are quiet about it because they get attacked by people like you who attack them if they dare speak out because it might cause another person to question the vaccine. I'll take the straight up measles over that vaccine any day. More severe illnesses I vaccinate for but this one the risk far outweighs the reward.
    8 hrs · Like · 5
  • Heather Jackson Yes I said cdc
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Isabella Marie Bonny, I agree with you 100%!
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Evelina Kostova absolutely. I was thinning the same thing. Even today, n the mommy forums, a mom is sobbing that her toddler was bitten by a dog and her main problems was if she should report this dog to the police or not….SURE SHE HAS TO DO THAT. its not a question!
    6 hrs · Like · 2
  • Isabella Marie I didn't get the sense that she was saying that if you choose not to vaccinate your child, then you are automatically the kind of person who takes pictures of their children with Pit Bulls. I think she was asking if they were, as a point to emphasize not vaccinating your children can kill them. Now I personally am extremely pro-vac, but I respect others views on the matter. The one thing do not respect others opinions on, is the Pit Bull debate. Fact is fact, Pit Bulls kill, and we know that's a fact. I'm not exactly sure what bringing vaccinations into the statement had to do with dogs, perhaps with the exception of the fact both can kill children. It doesn't always happen with unvaccinated kids, but in some cases it does. Sometimes people are just irked or angry about something at the moment they go to post something, and then get a little off course.
    5 hrs · Like
  • Bonny Thomas Lee Ms Delaney...yes folks should not risk their childrens lives OR other children, I grew up with children who died of polio. in Leeds, England there is an outbreak of post-polio symdrome as the long discredited "Lancet" piece and the physician who published it was given leave of his medical license. Should we go back to SmallPox, Diptheria,or how about the Plague? As a former public health nurse, public safety is important for your children and OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN.Parents who pose their children with dangerous dogs are extremely agressive as to their "rights" as parents,just don't expose OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN, any more than you would your own,. to a Pit Bull attack. as I know you would not, or photograph your little ones. with a dangerous dog,as I also know you would not.Conversely, not other human beings to preventable diseases
    4 hrs · Like
  • Julia Lewis Bonny was only trying to make a link between two different sorts of dangers that children can be exposed to. OK, it was unfortunate, given the controversy that now surrounds these vaccines, but she was only trying to make a point. You have to remember that she and I are of the same generation (well, I'm a few years older) when diseases like polio, small pox, diptheria and so on were literally wiped out because of vaccines and people were eternally grateful for them. But let's not argue amongst ourselves, let's stick to dangerous dogs! Btw, TB is making a mighty comeback in the UK, having disappeared for generations, because it is being brought in by people from countries where there are no such vaccines.

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