I would like to state a couple of things to Mrs/Ms. Miller.
Would you care to explain how I and my admins accused you of animal abuse? Feel free to leave a comment on our post, as we leave it open for commentary when it is not too vitriol. The fact of the matter is you filed a DMCA report against a post that was not really directed toward you per say, more along the lines of toward DBO. Yet, you are part of that board. If you don’t want people to jump to those conclusions maybe you should drop said friends you have and not accept INVITES to global events such as “Global Dirt Nap” that’s an event plan to kill pit bulls.

Inside the BLAH BLAH minds is a notorious Anti Pit bull Pro BSL page that advocates for the death of our beloved family pets. Your name just happens to be listed on their event page, along with 12 to 58 others. Are we correct on this? As for the picture we shared in a post, we had no idea that was you. However thank you for clarifying that. You do realize that picture of you, you can barely see any resemblance.

Also explain to us how we gave away your location, as all it stated was OHIO, it did not hold your address, or even for that matter a phone number. By the way Carol, as you can see we are respectable enough to block out those details.
Inside the BLAH BLAH minds is a notorious Anti Pit bull Pro BSL page that advocates for the death of our beloved family pets. Your name just happens to be listed on their event page, along with 12 to 58 others. Are we correct on this? As for the picture we shared in a post, we had no idea that was you. However thank you for clarifying that. You do realize that picture of you, you can barely see any resemblance.
Also explain to us how we gave away your location, as all it stated was OHIO, it did not hold your address, or even for that matter a phone number. By the way Carol, as you can see we are respectable enough to block out those details.
The fact of the matter is you are part of, and have no expertise in any field of animal behavior yet you agree with Colleen Lynn on everything she states. Do you even agree that those who own pit bulls should not have a job? Because, one thing you must know now, is Colleen lynn tries daily to get people fired from their work place. Do you also agree with Colleen’s tactics of posting personal information on her pages or her supporters posting Images of people on their pages?
If you dish out dirty tactics, expect a retaliation back. People will not stand for this hostile treatment towards them, nor should they. You wish to have freedom to express yourselves publicly, then do have the common courtesy to respect our rights to express ourselves in the same way. Not once have we, the admins of this blog reported you to facebook or your blogs to the DMCA officials. We just document everything you do, for either court and police evidence.

Notice once again Carol, your name was not mentioned when we posted the link. It is not a personal attack against you. It’s an awareness issue, to notify people what plans on doing with a voiceless animal. If you are not part of the killing event, that’s all you had to say. However since you are becoming so defensive about this. Well, then we already know what that means now don’t we?
Notice once again Carol, your name was not mentioned when we posted the link. It is not a personal attack against you. It’s an awareness issue, to notify people what plans on doing with a voiceless animal. If you are not part of the killing event, that’s all you had to say. However since you are becoming so defensive about this. Well, then we already know what that means now don’t we?
You pro BSL people have a problem, and that is when others don’t agree with what you say, you play the Victim card. If you can’t handle being served what has been dished out. Then do not dish it out. Simple as that.
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