It’s called a breed? No no no no, NO! It’s called a label you little alien you. The Pit bull “label” consists of several “different” breeds. Let’s name them for you! American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, American Bulldog, the Boxer, the Presa Canario, the Cane Corso, the Dogo Argentino, the Tosa Inu, the Bullmastiff, the Dogue de Bordeaux, the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog and the Olde English Bulldogge, plus Boxers oh and those cute little pushed in faces called Pugs.
Odd isn’t it? Including a pug into the label, when they aren’t a pit bull yet, are considered one by BSL standards. I guess it’s because they were bred to be ratters and yet, they attack humans, I’m surprised chihuahua’s aren’t on the list as they were bred to kill snakes, yet attack humans. Odd, that two small genetically engineered dogs that kill rodents and or snakes isn’t considered dangerous. WELL DAMN THOSE EXPERTS for not labeling every single dog out there bred for a specific thing under the pit bull. Shame shame.
Oh wait, that’s because they aren’t experts… Silly me! BSL is a group of individuals dead set on telling you what you can and cannot have. They’re not experts, they’re just people too stuck up to realize one thing. It’s a damned OWNER problem.
Michaela I CAN’T HEAR YOU, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? Oh you’re insulting aliens that’s right. They’re far more intelligent than you I can assure you that. I mean for heavens sake they have the ability to travel at the speed of light, and bend the space time continuum.
(We’re kidding folks don’t take this part seriously, humor it let’s us deal with crazy people)
(We’re kidding folks don’t take this part seriously, humor it let’s us deal with crazy people)
Did you hear that? Another brain cell just dropped. Shhhhhh be quiet they’re thinking of other ways to be annoying.

Oh myyyyy! All are pit bulls? So because they have a blocky head, oval eyes and a stocky build. They’re automatically pit bulls? HOLY HELL, SOMEONE CALL THE EXPERTS and tell them they all got it wrong, QUICK.
Seriously though, the 1% who can’t identify the pit bull are the followers and cultists. The only brain who can identify over there is Colleen Lynn, or can she? Naa, let’s not give her too much credit as she is the definition of what the hell is wrong with our world.
Jon F, you’re an idiot stuck on stupid. You also have no room to talk either. Mr. Hit a Kid with a car and run. Great, another psycho Jon to deal with! What the hell is with all these Jon’s out there with mental issues? I can compare Jon F to Jon W they’re both stalkers of sorts. I mean seriously GET A LIFE GUYS.
Okay time for seriousness.
These people think that anything with a blocky head, oval eyes or stocky build is a pit bull. However, that just described about half of the dog breeds out there, now didn’t it? These people also like to give out recipes for how to “cook” dogs. You know, we have enough problems with the dog meat trade, we don’t need these foamers to add onto it, let alone give sicko’s anymore idea’s. These idiots also like to continuously blame a voiceless animal it’s easy right, because they can’t talk back? Yet, when advocates speak up, they accuse us of being “terrorists” and “pedo’s” or my favorite.. Because we own a pit bull we’re automatically thugs, and dangerous. Paranoia at it’s finest.

Yes I am so dangerous, behind this computer I am actually a spy for the soviets, I spy to gain information on how Americans use Pit Bulls as house hold family members, GO FIGURE!
For F sake you are Paranoid Pam. No Pam, How can they get your license revoked Pam? Unless you did some kind of medical malpractice and have had a ton of complaints against you from DIFFERENT people, they can’t do anything. And I doubt they even tried.
Pit bull owners aren’t that cruel, we do not mess about with livelihoods here Pam, unless perhaps it’s Colleen Lynn who doesn’t have a real job. Except spend her life on the computer making false articles and using a psychic gerbil. On top of advocating for the death of pit bulls, all while collecting donations under the guise of a bite victim support group.
Yeah, then we have a problem…. And People wonder why are world is so fucked up!? Look at what we’re dealing with here! Crazy crazy people, can’t even comprehend the facts. It’s an Owner issue not the dog.
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