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Sunday, 28 September 2014

pame ashley = killer hater Support Group or Ambulance Chasers

Updated: March 29, 2014 member discusses shooting potential
Many of members claim to be a support group for victims of dangerous dogs. They see out new victims in hopes of bringing these victims to their side. For many though, they only want the Pit Bull dog bite victims. Many members use news articles, Facebook pages and groups to let them know they are available if “support” is needed.
Just like lawyers that are dubbed “Ambulance Chasers”, members are portraying the same tactics to gain new members. Take a look at Pame Ashley reaching out to a family on a donation page. This donation page was started to help with funeral expenses. But in typical “Ambulance Chasing” style, Pame uses this site to let them know, there are support groups for the family.
What Pame neglects to tell the family and others, the support they offer, just isn’t the support some look for.
Let me remind the readers that Pame is a nurse by trade who should follow the Florence Nightingale Pledge which clearly states:
I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care (American Nursing Association, 2014).
Let’s break down that pledge, first word that comes to mind, “Mischievous” which is defined
mis·chie·vous  [mis-chuh-vuhs]  Show IPA
1. maliciously or playfully annoying.
2.causing annoyance, harm, or trouble.
3.roguishly or slyly teasing, as a glance.
4.harmful or injurious.(, 2014)
Pame, who claims her unleashed dog was mauled to death by a neighbor’s Pit Bulls isn’t the perfect neighbor one would want riding her bike on their neighborhood streets. Take a look at what Pame, a nurse by trade that took an oath to help others, wants to do to a stray dog, possibly a family pet, a loose dog just like her dog Bleu. Mischievous? You decide: member targets abandoned dogs

That bike that Pame uses is well equipped to do what she claims she would have done to the stray pit by the bridge; luckily, people swimming spared this dog’s life.
Pame isn’t the only supporter that believes they can rid the world of Pit Bulls while driving or walking in their neighborhoods. Take a look at one supporter that felt the need to take a photo while driving her car.

DBP Pame
Pame, our “nurse” that took an oath, decides to give advice on what Jennifer should have done, disregarding the possibility of causing a potential accident to both drivers.
It seems this type of behavior runs in Pame’s family. Take a look at how proud Pame is of her brother-in-law tossing a Pit Bull off the bridge after shooting it:
DBO Pame

But before you are allowed in their private, secret, closed groups, you have to meet some criteria. You must indeed at least dislike, fear, and preferrably hate Pit Bulls. Any suggestion that you like, love, or don’t blame Pit Bulls will not get you into their circles. Pame, the ambulance chaser, thought she found a new potential member, UNTIL, the potential candiadate made remarks about Pit Bulls.

To get into the group, potentail members must not like or “think” the dangerous dog was “wonderful”. Even being a friend of another member will not get you into their group, if you like Pit Bulls.
Perhaps the most disturbing thing Pame, our nurse, could say after this Pit Bull supporter refused to join the group was “threatening” to follow for her childs name, like laying-in-wait. Almost like wishing with all her might that harm might come to a child, since this person didn’t want to join other members. Who does that? Not someone that has taken an oath!
Wondering how Pame gets to do so much research while working? Obviously, her job let’s her google potential candiadates.    But don’t expect any patient confidentiality if the patient is a Pit Bull lover, or a victim of a dog bite. Pame just loves to share her work with other group members.

Seems that pamphlet makes it’s way around the hospital, a place people go to be cured, not suckered into a cult.
Pamphlets are not the only thing Pame likes to spread at work. Take a look at a poor couple that had no clue what this nurse does in her private groups.

Another tactic of members, especially Pame, is to change their profile pictures using victim’s photos. For example, Pame changed her photo to the victim of the go fund me website, little Mia. I don’t know about you, but as a parent, I don’t appreciate people “stealing” photos of minors and using them to spread hate. They, DBO members, call it spreading awareness; I call it freaky, and a little obnoxious. Do they get permission to use these photos?
When all else fails or a potential lawsuit is in the works, DBO members use fake accounts to stay under the radar. Pame comes up with this one:



Well all I have to say, is I hope the neighbors of Pame and Lynne don’t have dogs that accidentally get out of their yards. Because, regardless if the dog is sweet, nice, and doesn’t pose a threat, it will be shot, killed just because it looks like a Pit (and they all look like a pit to the DBO members).

Let’s not forget, that Lynne doesn’t even need a gun, antifreeze is her method of choice.
So the members of the group that Pame wants victims and survivors to join isn’t a “support” group after all, it is a group where, they discuss how to “kill” Pit Bulls. You are allowed in, when and if you can prove that you hate Pit Bulls. Doesn’t matter about other breeds, if you hate the Pit Bull types, you’re IN.
DBO Pame
What surprises this writer most are the actions of these “adults” that are professionals, in communities from coast to coast such as teachers and TV reporter, to name a few.  The tactics in which they use, such as Pame our nurse, going on a fundraising site to “invite” the family members into their “support” groups is disgusting.
It is my opinion that members could really care less about the victims and survivors, what they care about is gaining numbers in their sick, twisted campaign. What is done behind the view of the public in their groups can be described as criminal behavior that “normal” people don’t do and then call it a “support group”. Using antifreeze, screwdrivers, knives, guns, etc., and hunting down potential members to join their mission should be included in their Mission Statement so new potential members know what is needed when the Ambulance Chasing begins.
My advice to Pame, careful what you do while on the Hospital’s dime, you might be the next Richard Prince .

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