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Tuesday, 23 September 2014


WE are appalled that the Torrington CT Fire department still employs Richard Prince, a sadistic person that talks in public forum about stabbing, duct taping, chainsaw cutting, suffocating, and drowning dogs and use fire department computers to do it and do it on fire department time.
Below is a link to the full, very GRAPHIC and long winded comment he posted about what he thinks are the best ways to kill a pit bull type dog.
Suffocation with duct tape, blinding with house hold chemicals or a screw driver , strangling, using a sledgehammer, chainsaws, setting them on fire,  and so many other descriptive horrible things, even sodomizing the dog to death with a forgin object. He also talks about carrying the tools needed to do this in his WORK truck, just incase.
Anyone who thinks like this should not be in a position where he works with the public, Especially not a firefighter. WE depend on firefighters to save our loved ones. Some of us have 4 legged loved ones and firefighters have been known for their bravery in rescuing them as well. WE have donated to the fire department to get stickers for our windows to let the firefighters know that WE have pets that need to be saved in case of fire. If this man thinks about killing pit bulls like he does and obviously has an unnatural hatred for the breed, then WE are sure that if he had the opportunity to save a family dog from a fire that looked to be a pit bull he would not save it. WE say this alone proves that he is not fit to be a fire fighter. With him on your payroll WE do not trust and there fore will not support the Torrington fire department. This is horrid and WE want Richard Prince removed from the fire department completely. Demotion is not an option.
if you would like to email, call, fax or write directly here is the information:
Torrington CT Fire deparement:
Fire Chief
Deputy Fire Chief
111 Water Street
Torrington, CT 06790
(860) 489-2563
Torrington CT Fire Marshall:
Fire Marshal
Deputy Fire Marshal
Deputy Fire Marshal
Torrington Fire Marshal Office
111 Water Street
Torrington, CT 06790
Mayoral Aide
Executive Secretary
140 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
Like the this petitions facebook page at Please keep to the facts, Be respectful and refrain from threats or bullying as these tactics will not be tolerated.

Fire officials say Richard Prince was demoted for controversial Facebook comments.
Fire officials say Richard Prince was demoted for controversial Facebook comments.
A veteran firefighter in Torrington was demoted after posting to Facebook controversial comments about killing pit bulls.
The fire department said Tuesday that Richard Prince had been stripped of his "Deputy Fire Marshal" title.
Officials say Prince posted the comments on a page called "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed." They say he mentioned in detail about to kill the dogs.
Torrington's fire chief said the posts went too far.
"Per our investigation, we found out that he violated city policy by using city equipment, city phone, city time to do his posting for some of it," Chief Gary Brunoli said.
Prince, a 24-year veteran of the department, was demoted after the investigation, the chief said. When that happened, he took a $10,000 pay cut.
"What he said is very graphic and it's not appropriate for an employee that works for me to be acting in that manner," said Brunoli.
Eyewitness News found the comments online.
In them, Prince wrote about carrying duct tape in his work vehicle since he rubs elbows with a few pit bulls daily. He added that he hasn't seen a friendly one.
He went on to write how he would kill one using the duct tape around the dog's eyes, then wrapping their whole snout so the animal couldn't breathe.
Many people wanted to know why Prince was demoted and not fired.
"With someone getting terminated, you can have possible litigation that could cost even more money in the future, so we felt this was best," Brunoli said.
Some people disagreed.
"On company time, that's not a good thing to do," said Torrington resident Tom Lozewski. "If it was a regular person they would have been fired immediately, wasting company money on personal business."
Prince has refused to comment on the case.

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