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Monday, 15 December 2014

Sharon Yildiz: George Clooney must die!

Sharon Yildiz: George Clooney must die!

Words from Sharon Yildiz, foster home of George Clooney and supposedly “animal behaviourist.
Please read:
- Georgie is so aggressive that he has only been lose in the house for about two hours during the 5 week period. (And even then, I had to put my pets in another part of the house).
- I cannot groom any part of Georgie. He growls, pulls his lips back, and lunges to bite me. He attacks if I approach with a muzzle.
- When Georgie lunges and tries to bite, I give a quick jerk on the leash.This makes him madder and he continues lunging at me, and often also attacks the leash.
- Because of these aggression issues, I have to make sure to keep anybody on the street away from him.
Outdoors, he cannot pass a car tire without trying to pee on it. I jerk him away from the car with the leash and say “no!” However, despite having gone on nearly 200 walks so far—and being corrected every time–he STILL tries to pee on most tires.
- Besides that, he is one of the very rare dogs that scent marks with poop. He doesn’t just poop like a normal dog. Instead, he saves his poops so he can place a small amount on every block of the walk.
- Training is going very slowly. Any other dog I’ve worked with (stray, rescue, friend’s dogs, my dogs) have mastered “sit and make eye-contact with Sharon if you want anything” in a couple of days.
I hate investing time and energy (and raw food) in a dog that I would have euthanized about 4 weeks ago.
- I would have zero qualms about euthanizing him, and would be fine taking him to my vet for that if you give the go-ahead. I figure he’s had 3 months now of being clean, well-groomed, with frequent daily walks, training, attention, and nice raw food. To me, I would not feel guilty euthanizing in this situation. Let me know how to proceed…

So there we go… Sharon Yildiz.. animal behaviourist for you. After reading this I can only wonder… how many perfectly nice animals have lost their lives at the hands of Sharon and trainers like her?  Well find out…
Have you had any bad experience with a trainer in Turkey or anywhere else? If so please feel free to leave your story here.
Also, please leave a comment addressed to Sharon Yildiz, the “trainer” that wished George Clooney to die. You can be sure she’ll read them.
P.S. Here are more videos of George… enjoy !

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