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Saturday, 14 May 2016

William Johnson - trying to play the victim

William Johnson claims to be a victim and a victims advocate whereas the truth be told he's nothing more then an old fashioned bully and the fact that he uses the internet to do it technically makes him a cyber bully.

Jeff Borchardt comes to the defense of his fellow pit bull hater when William starts to get some of his own back and plays the victim card.

Jeff D. Borchardt shared Rabid Response's photo.
Random messages to the father of a girl mauled by a pit bull. 
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William created a Facebook page to help further his promotion of breed specific legislation and has since unpublished the page following a backlash from his victims.

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As you can see from this excerpt from a blog published by "Zombies & Dogs" William is a notorious bully and a stalker too if this article is any indication of his so called advocacy.

As William Johnson publicly mocks this family on Facebook, playing his pity card- he fails to mention the horror that he has put the Gerome family through.
Helenanne Gerome, the wife of Anthony Jerome is devastated by the actions of William Johnson. William Johnson has made it his mission to physically stalk and harass this family and the emotional toll of the abuse that William Johnson is giving is starting to show.  When  asked if William has been stalking him and his family, Mr. Gerome states:
” Yes every where I go to work or out with my family”.

Which William confirms with his public posting in his hate group, The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed:

He doesn’t end there…..

Now William quite naturally protects his family from bullying and stalking and yet feels comfortable doing it to others even trusting patrons at his place of employ.

Somehow William Johnson feels that his child is untouchable yet…. children of pit bull type dogs are not? How many Facebook pages and meme’s have these creeps made of children of pit bull owners? Hundreds. But I forget, its a different set of rules for BSL advocates.

Compare to some of the patrons passed out, at Oscar’s Tavern, as posted on “Billy the Bartender” page, and….well, a familiar tacky and outdated haunt depicted here too. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson
Remember that doggy poster? See anything that looks familiar on the wall?  The page, “Billy the Bartender” claims the page is “just for fun”.
We ask, is it fun, to get customers so drunk they pass out? Perhaps it is a joke, but how the owner, Harry Chotak, feel about his patrons being treated so irresponsibly?  Or the Pennsylvania State Police, Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement for that matter. Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson

But that doesn’t stop “Billy” and another members in making the Oscar’s ‘just for fun’ Facebook page an outlet for hating Pit Bulls. Doesn’t anyone respect their workplace or their bosses anymore? Member William "Billy the Bartender" Johnson

Our readers know WICL publishes only articles backed by facts and conclusive evidence, so we check, and we double-check, and we confirm what we suspect. Indeed, William Johnson, is “Billy the Bartender”. The “proof” is in the pudding, why would other known members “like” the page if there wasn’t a member-attachment?


Now William posted in his mate Jeff Borchardt's Facebook hate group playing the victim claiming his little page had over a "million" views which would be quite extraordinary if it was true but we all know that pit bull hater maths is not real good by their reckoning as 5+5 = 6,378,098 when they add it up?

Last Wednesday I decided to create a community page(since unpublished). The purpose was two fold- a place where people concerned about dog attacks could connect with me without going through the friend request process, and I assumed that pit bull apologists would react and provide some screenshots.
Over the first two days, I got a lot of support, THANK YOU!! On Friday it turned ugly, apparently the pit bull activists started sharing the page, I started receiving death threats, threats were made to rape my wife and daughter. I tried to communicate with the pit bull activists who genuinely wanted a dialog but it was overwhelming.
By Saturday afternoon, the page had over a million views, over 300 messages, and over 10,000 comments. On the advice of a friend who is a Philadelphia police officer I unpublished it. Because it's unpublished, instead of deleted, I still have access to it. So what I'm doing now is sorting through the comments. I know my local law enforcement can't do anything about threats made from other places but if I find any from any public sector employee, I will make their employer aware of it. If I find any from any active duty military member, I will make your base commander aware of it. I have hundreds of comments calling me "retard" or "retarded" if I find that any of those came from anyone working as a teacher in public school, I will make your superintendent aware of it.
These people are so predictable.

So I'd say this to you Billy you trying to play the victim card with so many runs on the board in relation to the victims you've amassed in your community safety initiatives is truly hypocritical.

As the repeals start to mount up the breed specific legislation proponents are becoming increasingly desperate and volatile their advocacy techniques/tactics will only deteriorate further into little more then a contrived lie designed to fool the public into believing their nonsense science, lies and disinformation all pushed on to the public through bullying and intimidation.

Of the 10 dog bite related fatalities listed on dogsbite in 2016, 7 of the dogs involved were mixed breed mutts Dbo are insisting were pit bulls and this is where all the Pro-Bsl people are getting their information to support their arguments  in relation to Bsl and dog bite statistics.

Dogsbite dot org has won the most disreputable site of the month on the internet recently and I'm forecasting it won't be the last time that happens.

more to come.....

Monday, 9 May 2016


The term Foamertisim combines “Foamer” & “Narcissism” stems from the Foamertalk community. This unique
term was coined by some random word generator that used two words that described extreme BSL advocates.
Narcissism is defined as a “psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation lack of empathy , and im conscience deficits in self esteem.” When you describe one of the many possible mental disorders of a Hard core Foamer- Narcissism is usually one of the first one mentioned.
Foamertisim was coined to describe the classic Foamer who does not apologize for their stalking, harassing, verbal (sometimes physical) assaults or solicit real facts from any reputable source. Ever.
The reaction the majority of society has when encountering a Foamer is universal. A total shock & horror usually over come the normal person. Disgust and the urge to acid wash their brains with the fear of Foamer contamination soon follow.

” I remember the day of my Foamer Attack. I still suffer from twitches at the thought of it. I made the mistake of liking a picture of a cute puppy on Facebook and the next think I knew my inbox was being bombarded by complete strangers telling me that I feed babies to pit bulls.” – Jackie Victim of a Foamer Attack

” I will be honest, I have a lot of anger towards Foamers. They took pictures of my children and pasted horrible things over them. I felt violated & when asked them to remove them they just laughed!” – Megan – Victim of a Foamer Attack
“You do realize I have a Masters degree in information Science and I’m not going to research my so called facts to answer your questions. If you want me to show you the proof/studies that support my “facts” – I will need a 100$ retainer fee”- Renee ( a Foamer with degree that basically equates to a under paid librarian.)

“Rapists, serial killers, terrorist and pit bulls. Same thing! Make sure YOU ARE LEGALLY ARMED! POW POW!” – Irene “GET LEGALLY ARMED” Foamer
“Look, I’m not a asshole or a pedophile. Sure, I made some sexual perverted comment to a 12 year old BUT who really knows if she was 12? She could’ve been 14. I don’t want to rip your dogs from your home and kill them, at least not personally. I just prefer to have other people do it. I don’t get why strangers just don’t let me harass them for owning a breed I hate. Why haven’t they apologized to ME? Why do they argue with ME when I tell them that everything that is wrong is their fault? I just feel picked on.” – Jeff the Pity me Foamer
“I made the mistake of actually having experience with multiple breeds of dogs and am considered a professional. I was suddenly attacked because I mentioned that yes, genetics can play a role with aggression and problems with dogs but also Environment. Their attack was brutal. Yes- I was mauled by Foamers.- Nancy – victim of a Foamer Attack
Until you understand that Foamers really don’t care about you, the community and they definitely hate your dog- you will never understand the Foamer problem. They kind of are like cockroaches in a run down apartment hoarded with spoiled food. With one click of a key on a keyboard they scatter around social media stalking people. Race, age, gender- they are not picky. As long as you have a sane thought they will always be lurking after you.
But fear not- unlike the cockroach (who are far higher on the likeable chart than foamers.)- Foamers can be dealt with and with the proper tools & a sense of humor they will choke on their own hate and implode. It happens daily so just kick back and watch the fireworks.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Lesley Karen Luscombe -- says Akita's "Not killers, as the figures prove."

Here we have yet another demonstration of the type of advocacy these people employ which consists of dangerously misleading claims and in this particular case outright lies?

Lesley is a particularly nasty pit bull hater and this is the another string in her bow of lies and deception all designed to eradicate pit bulls and despite lumping over 30 breeds together and having them defined as pit bulls breed specific legislation is still being repealed on wholesale terms around the world.

Nice dogs, so long as you are breed-knowledgeable and understand that you will need to be vigilant if the dog has access to children. Not killers, as the figures prove.
Lesley Karen Luscombe Especially for you, Jeffrey. smile emoticon
Julie Edwards-Matanga Well, as lovely as Akitas are, they are not the same thing as Labs, I think Jeffrey Sloan would agree. Even so, a safer choice for a pet than a pit bull type.
Lesley Karen Luscombe That's what I'm showing, Julie. Kills versus no kills (of humans).

Also, Akitas and Chows, Rotts too, are usually prohibitively expensive for the usual Pit pickers.
25 May at 15:55
Julie Edwards-Matanga They don't tend to kill their owners.
25 May at 16:05
Jeffrey Sloan It's all relative, but heck, pit bulls make even Rottweilers look good in comparison.
Julie Edwards-Matanga Jeff's excellent blog about Akitas.
Akita owners get it. They tell you flat out that Akita aren't for everyone. They will tell you Akitas are…
25 May at 16:08
Jeffrey Sloan Even though Akitas are not for the faint of heart, I love them and look forward to my next one.
15 May at 16:08
Lesley Karen Luscombe How would you rate them around family children, Jeffrey? On your advice, I will put up a different title (as I have with the Chow and Rott) saying such.
Julie Edwards-Matanga At least Chows and Akitas are good looking. Kind of iffy about Rottweilers, met some nice ones, intelligent dogs, but not my taste. I require fluff.
15 May at 16:12
Jeffrey Sloan Well they can be funny that way, but it depends on how well they know the children - I know people with Akitas raised with their children from puppies, and they are fine - but I would be leery of bringing an adult Akita into a new home where strange ch...See more
35 May at 16:27Edited
Lesley Karen Luscombe Julie - 'I require fluff' - made me smile. grin emoticon
Julie Edwards-Matanga A rehomed Chow is equally dangerous, most of the fatalities caused by Chows were newly acquired adult dogs, and attacks on babies. They tend to be "one person" dogs, they don't do very well in shelters. It's a good thing they are banned on military ...See more
Lesley Karen Luscombe Julie - what dogs do you have right now? I've lost track, sorry.
Julie Edwards-Matanga Lesley Karen Luscombe Miss Scarlett, Chow (Mix?) from the San Bernardino Animal Control, and Wile E. Coyote Malinois (Mix?) gift of the Campo Santo Cemetery.
25 May at 16:36
Lesley Karen Luscombe Oh Oh Oh Oh!!!!!!!!! How could I forget. grin emoticon

Lovely. heart emoticon
Julie Edwards-Matanga This may be the next breed, it's a chow mix essentially, bred with Samoyed, Spitz, called an Eurasier. They come in Copper Fluff as you can see, that's what is required. They also look more like old-fashioned Chows, the breeders have ruined the breed, with the smushed faces. I like the longer muzzles.
15 May at 17:46
Lesley Karen Luscombe Julie - I love that one. Sort of a bear look about it, and wolf. Also tribal Indian medicine man. Cute.
15 May at 18:09
Jeffrey Sloan Chow mixes can be stunning - I like this one -
Chow Chow + German Shepherd mix ... Ill be okay if this is what Bonnie looks like when she gets big :)
Sarah May Have you slept? wink emoticon
25 May at 15:57
Lesley Karen Luscombe No. I will soon, though. I was feeling quite sleepy until I saw that Bull-Pig-Baby Jesus-Hog Monster sucking on its rubber titty. Kind of adrenalised me....
25 May at 16:03
Sarah May That would easily cause a reflex action!
Lesley Karen Luscombe Sarah - it was horrible. I pulled a really bad resting-bitch-face.
15 May at 16:10

As you can see by their comments these people are pit bull haters and they'll promote as many lies as they have to in order to achieve the extinction of pit bulls.

The list below comes from the first two pages of the google search relating to Akita attacks.

Middlesbrough dad attacked by Japanese Akita: What do we know .

Contrary to what the "Ninja" claims it's quite obvious her disinformation and lies are party to the ever escalating death toll in spite of breed specific legislation.

If these so called public safety advocates had any legitimate empirical science based data or information they wouldn't need to resort to such dangerous tactics.

Maybe victims of Akita's should sue   " Lesley " for spreading such dangerous and misleading Meme's which undoubtedly are designed to make pit bulls look bad and have little to no substance when it comes to legitimate public safety advocacy.

more to come.....