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Saturday, 7 May 2016

Lesley Karen Luscombe -- says Akita's "Not killers, as the figures prove."

Here we have yet another demonstration of the type of advocacy these people employ which consists of dangerously misleading claims and in this particular case outright lies?

Lesley is a particularly nasty pit bull hater and this is the another string in her bow of lies and deception all designed to eradicate pit bulls and despite lumping over 30 breeds together and having them defined as pit bulls breed specific legislation is still being repealed on wholesale terms around the world.

Nice dogs, so long as you are breed-knowledgeable and understand that you will need to be vigilant if the dog has access to children. Not killers, as the figures prove.
Lesley Karen Luscombe Especially for you, Jeffrey. smile emoticon
Julie Edwards-Matanga Well, as lovely as Akitas are, they are not the same thing as Labs, I think Jeffrey Sloan would agree. Even so, a safer choice for a pet than a pit bull type.
Lesley Karen Luscombe That's what I'm showing, Julie. Kills versus no kills (of humans).

Also, Akitas and Chows, Rotts too, are usually prohibitively expensive for the usual Pit pickers.
25 May at 15:55
Julie Edwards-Matanga They don't tend to kill their owners.
25 May at 16:05
Jeffrey Sloan It's all relative, but heck, pit bulls make even Rottweilers look good in comparison.
Julie Edwards-Matanga Jeff's excellent blog about Akitas.
Akita owners get it. They tell you flat out that Akita aren't for everyone. They will tell you Akitas are…
25 May at 16:08
Jeffrey Sloan Even though Akitas are not for the faint of heart, I love them and look forward to my next one.
15 May at 16:08
Lesley Karen Luscombe How would you rate them around family children, Jeffrey? On your advice, I will put up a different title (as I have with the Chow and Rott) saying such.
Julie Edwards-Matanga At least Chows and Akitas are good looking. Kind of iffy about Rottweilers, met some nice ones, intelligent dogs, but not my taste. I require fluff.
15 May at 16:12
Jeffrey Sloan Well they can be funny that way, but it depends on how well they know the children - I know people with Akitas raised with their children from puppies, and they are fine - but I would be leery of bringing an adult Akita into a new home where strange ch...See more
35 May at 16:27Edited
Lesley Karen Luscombe Julie - 'I require fluff' - made me smile. grin emoticon
Julie Edwards-Matanga A rehomed Chow is equally dangerous, most of the fatalities caused by Chows were newly acquired adult dogs, and attacks on babies. They tend to be "one person" dogs, they don't do very well in shelters. It's a good thing they are banned on military ...See more
Lesley Karen Luscombe Julie - what dogs do you have right now? I've lost track, sorry.
Julie Edwards-Matanga Lesley Karen Luscombe Miss Scarlett, Chow (Mix?) from the San Bernardino Animal Control, and Wile E. Coyote Malinois (Mix?) gift of the Campo Santo Cemetery.
25 May at 16:36
Lesley Karen Luscombe Oh Oh Oh Oh!!!!!!!!! How could I forget. grin emoticon

Lovely. heart emoticon
Julie Edwards-Matanga This may be the next breed, it's a chow mix essentially, bred with Samoyed, Spitz, called an Eurasier. They come in Copper Fluff as you can see, that's what is required. They also look more like old-fashioned Chows, the breeders have ruined the breed, with the smushed faces. I like the longer muzzles.
15 May at 17:46
Lesley Karen Luscombe Julie - I love that one. Sort of a bear look about it, and wolf. Also tribal Indian medicine man. Cute.
15 May at 18:09
Jeffrey Sloan Chow mixes can be stunning - I like this one -
Chow Chow + German Shepherd mix ... Ill be okay if this is what Bonnie looks like when she gets big :)
Sarah May Have you slept? wink emoticon
25 May at 15:57
Lesley Karen Luscombe No. I will soon, though. I was feeling quite sleepy until I saw that Bull-Pig-Baby Jesus-Hog Monster sucking on its rubber titty. Kind of adrenalised me....
25 May at 16:03
Sarah May That would easily cause a reflex action!
Lesley Karen Luscombe Sarah - it was horrible. I pulled a really bad resting-bitch-face.
15 May at 16:10

As you can see by their comments these people are pit bull haters and they'll promote as many lies as they have to in order to achieve the extinction of pit bulls.

The list below comes from the first two pages of the google search relating to Akita attacks.

Middlesbrough dad attacked by Japanese Akita: What do we know .

Contrary to what the "Ninja" claims it's quite obvious her disinformation and lies are party to the ever escalating death toll in spite of breed specific legislation.

If these so called public safety advocates had any legitimate empirical science based data or information they wouldn't need to resort to such dangerous tactics.

Maybe victims of Akita's should sue   " Lesley " for spreading such dangerous and misleading Meme's which undoubtedly are designed to make pit bulls look bad and have little to no substance when it comes to legitimate public safety advocacy.

more to come.....

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