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Thursday, 14 July 2016

Joe White "Your sitting here telling me that not all pit bulls are bad but we can't tell them apart"

It's refreshing to see a new face arrive on the scene and completely own these people and their so-called empirical science based data which seems to take the form of personal pictures stalked from his account exactly like they demonstrate below, this post has since been removed for obvious reasons.....

Your sitting here telling me that not all pit bulls are bad but we can't tell them apart so get rid of all of them. Like I said same shit can be said for humans you hear daily about mass shooters and police that killed ppl and pl that killed police so should the solution be the same. And so because some stupid ppl are breeding them and fighting them let's punish the dog are you kidding me . You telling me that the dog made the decision it's self to fight and kill other dogs no he did it cuz if he didn't he would get beat or starved or worse. Now tell me wat would you do. And oh yes let plz listen to the higher powers that be because these days they have definitely shown they do thing in our best interest. Man the box minded ppl these days. Oh and now you take down your post I guess you don't like what I have to say.
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Sarah May Your English teacher just called...
Like83 hrs
Joe White Oh wow good one
Like3 hrs
Sarah May Go harass another group.
Like43 hrs
Sarah May You only want to post your opinion, you will not listen to anyone here.
Like33 hrs
Pamela Becking I've listened to you. I just don't happen to agree with you.
Joe White No I think I'll stay here thanks tho. And it wasn't harassment it was a debate thanks
Like3 hrs
Joe White But you think your opinions are right
Like3 hrs
Alyssia Naome Landin Well that is the fundamentals of a debate, yes...
Like1 hr
Sarah May Lol!
Like13 hrs
Joe White Oh now I'm the one labeled as crazy
Like3 hrs
Joe White Not the ppl who think banning a whole breed cuz of a few nope that's not crazy
Like3 hrs
Alison Gabriel 200 people are dead (in just the last 10 years) because of the breed. That's not a few people. Dogfighting is illegal and there is not reason for this breed to continue. There are plenty of other breeds to choose from that don't kill people.
Like93 hrs
Sarah May Dogs aren't people.
Like63 hrs
Dannalie Austin Malvaez A few? It happens weekly. Please stay with this group. You'll get an education. I don't think you're crazy just misinformed.
Like143 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers Dead and permanently disabled human beings take precedence over dogs , over hundreds of dogs unless one worships animals above even our own children.
Like133 hrs
Like143 hrs
Lisa Padgett my eyes started glazing over with the 'mass shootings' thing and didn't bother to read the rest. Moving on...
Like103 hrs
Sylvie Montague I can't speak for everyone, and I am not always sitting when I say it, but a few local deaths attributed to PET pit bulls got me researching the issue. (And I have a LOT more dog experience than most having shown, trained, competed, worked for a vet tech and show-handler kennel.) Pit bulls and other bully breeds are atypical and not suited as pets for a number of reasons. The death toll from bully breeds alone should be a clue that something is VERY wrong with the breed type. It coincides with the continuing acceptance and even pushing of the breed as a normal dog. People should not have to train or raise a dog a certain way to prevent it from attacking innocents. Dogs shouldn't kill someone just for trespassing. Pit bull owners need to be charged as if they did the maiming or killing themselves whenever a person is injured or killed.
Like133 hrs
Sylvie Montague And finally, if you can hack it, hang around and be enlightened. There was a time, many many years ago (pre-internet research days) that I believed the Nanny Dog myth.
Like73 hrs
Sarah May He is fighting for his life, according to the media. It appears the child was left alone with the pit bull.

Are the parents protecting the pit bull?

Like53 hrs
Pamela Becking It certainly appears that way.
Like133 mins
Sarah May Another child. Every child mauled by the family pit bull should have CPS involved.

A 6-year-old boy was allegedly mauled by the family pitbull. He was flown to Renown Regional Medical Center after sustaining “lacerations to the face and head” said Sheriff Ken Furlong.

Deputies responded around 9:47 a.m. to the 2700 block of Concord Drive to reports of a vicious dog. The boy’s injuries were substantial, according to Furlong.

The Sheriff’s Office is continuing to follow up at the residence to determine the causation of the attack, the likelihood of another attack and the adequately pursuing the safety of the child. Furlong said most likely Child Protective Services also will be involved.

“We are keenly aware of what happened and we are doing anything we can to be comforting to the child’s welfare,” Furlong said.

The dog has been removed from the residence.

Like43 hrs
Sarah May These dogs need to be banned.
Like43 hrs
Joe Hill Not all the dogs fault trust me if your land shark attacks, mauls, or kills one of mine. That's your ass. And don't spout off kill my dog have to kill me. I find that perfectly acceptable.
Like53 hrs
Rachel Simas You're* 
Is there anything more hypocritical or pathetic than a pit defender who thinks they are successfully challenging our intelligence with their ungrammatical arguments?

Like53 hrs
William Johnson At least he used some punctuation.
Like52 hrs
Wendy Lambert Dixon Joe White: I know the PB that mauled me, costing over 4 units of blood, uncountable stitches,3 surgeries, a shattered left arm, all tendons but 1 in my right arm, 5 broken teeth, skin grafts, ˃ $150,000.00 in hospital costs + doctors + medications + am...See More
Like81 hrEdited
Carol Miller The general tone or our arguments are for regulating pit bulls, not "get rid" of all existing pit bulls. This is fear mongering and dishonest.

People and dogs are not the same.

Dogs do not have the capacity for "if/then" thinking.

The rest of what he had to say is unintelligible.

Consider a GED sir.

Like51 hr
Dana X Steven Renfrow If you are really interested in the opinions in this group, please read the material. People do not just wake up and decide they want a dog banned. Sixty countries, thousands of cities, literally all insurance companies...c'mon, all of that stigma from misunderstanding?! Far too widespread to just be a worldwide issue with pit bulls just over "looks". Thereis a lot of proof, how would you feel to be one of these people who suffered a loss? How would you feel to be blamed when YOUR dog just decided to turn on you for no reason? The thousands upon thousands of incidents speak for itself. Do not say abuse caused it when the world is full of dogs that fight, bite, and get abused, yet somehow NO ONE DIES . Only pit bulls have this problem, only pit bulls need thousands of angry defenders who are hung up on how special pit bulls are, how we should put their importance above people. Fuck that.
Like91 hrEdited
Lori Janusky Joe continue your education about genetics in dogs and dog breeding. Well poor owners certainly make it easy for many pit/grip breeds to act upon their genetic makeup bad owners alone aren't the reason for the aggression and unprovoked attacks. Genetics are. It's why border collie inherently wants to chase and group animals, why most labs will retrieve until they drop but for people to understand that pits are acting on their genetics seems like such a hard concept to grasp. Not a dog that has ever been breed as a pet or companion and has no place in today's society. I for one am sick of how much these dogs cost taxpayers.

Like71 hr
Clarice Larson This dude has no idea what BSL even is.
Like429 mins
Pamela Becking Joe, barely a day goes by without a mauling or death caused by pit bulls and pit bull mixes. Then there are all the domestic animals (other people's pets) who are torn apart right before their owners eyes by loose pit bulls. Ask some farmers how much they've lost in the way of livestock to these dogs. I myself lost my last little dog to the jaws of a pit bull that was supposed to be muzzled in accordance with the law where I live. However, this pit bull owner like so many others felt he was above the law and because of that my dog died. The ironic part of it all is that because he broke the law his pit bull was seized by animal control and put to sleep. One irresponsible dog owner ended up costing two dogs their lives.
Like521 mins
Helga Joubert Joe, three suggestions:
1. Stop projecting human emotions and thought processes onto animals. Pit bulls don't attack people because they've been abused and feel angry inside and need to lash out at something. They're not attacking because we've been mean to them and now they're going to be mean back. Dogs and other predators don't think that way. Predators aren't filled with misgivings about the morality of tearing another animal apart, and they don't hunt purely for survival--they ENJOY it. Pit bulls ENJOY what they do! Watch some videos of very young pit bull puppies fighting. They are not old enough to have been trained to do ANYTHING; what you see is genetic drive.
2. You seem to be part of the rescue angel, "fur mommy" camp. Instead of discussing the issue with BSL folks, maybe you should head on over to a dog fighting forum and see what they think of your theories about "a few bad ones." These people, the ones who breed them (and pay big bucks for a pup from the right bloodline), can give you a better idea of how important genetics are than we could, and you may find them more credible since they don't want to ban them.
3. Recognize that you've been manipulated into thinking it's about "discrimination." Joe, dog breeds are all about discrimination and stereotyping. It's why they were created. Again, dogs aren't people. I can't tell by looking at someone's skin whether they're more likely to kill me if given the opportunity, but I can certainly tell by identifying a dog by breed how likely I am to be in a world of trouble should that dog decide to attack. It's okay to discriminate against dangerous things--it's called common sense and survival instinct.

Like1 min

As you can see it didn't take very long for the name calling and personal attacks to start, Joe has his Facebook account wide open and these people have shown us how their advocacy works his whole life will be plastered all over their hate groups and pages in some distorted sense of community advocacy.....

more to come.....

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