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Saturday, 16 July 2016

Massa Eqidius is butt hurting bad!!! PMS!!!!!

The pit haters regularly turn on each other and it's of little surprise considering their whole pit bull extinction campaign is based on little more the  lies and disinformation and it quite often comes back to bite them on the butt.

Pit bulls and amputees for instance was taken down for attacking "Bronwen Dickey" by posting pictures of her residence in a childish but dangerous attempt to shut her up because they're all butt hurting about her book climbing through the popularity charts and getting good reviews from all the legitimate animal organizations and news corporations.

One of the purposes of this group is to balance the false image Pit Bull advocates try to create on their pages by presenting only the warm and fuzzy side of Pit Bulls who have not mauled or killed yet. No where in their groups will you find one single honest post about true Pit Bulls. You have to go to safety advocate or game dog sites to find the truth about the breed. Being that a large part of this group's purpose is education, let's not aid and abet them in their goals of presenting Pit Bulls as pets just like any other dog by posting those Pit Bull propaganda links and images on this page too. Thanks! 
Gwendolyn Hanan Massa Eqidius, I got an infringement notice from the FB police about reposting content from this site, if none of the moderators of this site (the only ones who can file such complaints) filed such a complaint, no problem.
If any modrrator did, fuck you and block me please.
Gwendolyn Hanan Donna Burton, REPOSTING, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT are the key words.

Gwendolyn Hanan see other post
Jeffrey Sloan I got the warning from FB as well. I have no idea what they are talking about. Obviously this is harassment by the pit freaks.
Gwendolyn Hanan Which means we have pit freaks on this page.
Jeffrey Sloan Since it's public, that's no surprise
Massa Eqidius No moderator here filed a complaint. Evidently somebody else posted something that was not appropriate and a complaint was filed against the group. As always, Facebook is unattainable for comment.
Massa Eqidius I wonder if you shared something recently that could have been the content in question?
Gwendolyn Hanan No, you don't understand, the complaint was for REPOSTING content from this site. The complaint was for COPYRIGHT infringement.
It HAD to have been filed by a moderator or group owner.
Massa Eqidius Others and myself got notice saying that something that was posted on TPBP violated a copyright infringement. I would speculate whatever was in violation, you evidently reposted it and that is why you are most likely getting a notice regarding reposting. Did you share a link from TPBP?
Gwendolyn Hanan Aha, OK, Now it makes sense.
Yes of course I post links from TPBP, the point is to educate and my friends list is different from other's friend lists so a wider audience is reached with each person that posts links.
I would be willing to bet it was the video of the pit bull climbing the wall up onto the cieling to get the "toy" and then being caught by the owner. That was from a pro pit site and they can see where thier videos are cross posted but even when the post is public, they can not respond to the factual comments made by whomever reposted the video.
We all know how the truth about pit bulls sends the pitophelia into a spittle spraying defense of the alternate reality they try so hard to maintain.
Massa Eqidius I do believe that video came from YouTube, no? And it was linked, not embedded. Maybe I am wrong?
Massa Eqidius I checked and that video is still there.
Dana X Steven Renfrow This page seems to be getting targeted extra. They want to shut it down like they did Pit Bulls and Amputees.
Massa Eqidius They view us as worse enemies than most because most of us are active dog and animal lovers and they can't falsely claim that status or take it away from us. Just go to any article that claims dog lovers take a stand for Pits and leave a comment refuting it. See what happens. We also take a strong stance that other groups might support that takes legal actions against all breeds, which gives dog haters like Pit pushers unfettered rights to continue enjoying blood sports and that really burns them.
Aaron B Wood what the email stated was that a third party (it doesn't say who) complained that something that was shared to this page either violated their copyright or other right.
Massa Eqidius I have to suspect it was either how it was shared here but more likely it was one of those Pit Bull and baby pictures/videos.
Dana X Steven Renfrow Too bad child endangerment photos are okay with Facebook.

It's no wonder they're having issues with "copyright" as they stalk all their information from other peoples pages and sites and then use them without seeking permission which equals "copyright" infringements which we are all obligated to respect but as you can see these people claim to be acting in the guise of public safety whereas it's clear to all the non fanatics that these people are little more then narrow minded deluded bully's.

As breed specific legislation is being identified as ineffectual in dealing with dog bite fatalities involving non pit bull types and is either repealed and/or legislated against these fools are becoming increasingly desperate and as such their dangerous behavior will escalate to the point of being intolerable eventually causing the authorities to act to ensure the bullying, stalking and doxing is stopped.

Until the authorities send a clear message to these haters by enacting a policy to stop them the haters will continue growing bolder with each day passing?

more to come.....

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