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Saturday, 16 July 2016

Marie McGrath is not real smart but she can lift heavy things!!

It seems I have a new not so secret admirer Marie McGrath who I suspect is actually Mary Ann Redfern using a fake account either way it makes little difference because propaganda is propaganda regardless of the source.

Now I shared an internet poll but as you can see these delusional people have cognitive dissonance full on as they reject all the legitimate information and statistics in favor of lies and disinformation from digsbut, animnals 24/7 and daxtons friends all of whom are little more them money making ventures for their creators.

Uncle Terrys news.

Like313 hrs
Sybil Spach How many times did he vote? It's funny how he belittles real statistics then posts this type of bs. Lol
Like713 hrsEdited
Paul Lothary Dead people can't answer surveys.
Like1113 hrsEdited
Magner Cepeda With an average of 30 people killed, in the US alone, by pit bulls, in a year, how could anybody wonder about that? Pit bulls are 30 times ore likely to cause severe damage to people than other breeds.
Like613 hrs
Sybil Spach He's not just anybody. He is living inside his own little brain.
Like413 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell But the nutters insist that the media isn't reporting the hundreds of people killed by poodles and it only makes the news when it's a pit bull that kills I first ran into this absolute fanatical mindset when someone was so convinced the 100,000 children were being sacrificed each Halloween
Like512 hrs
Fred Phillips Well, glad that's settled. Now we need to do something about those coconuts.
Like913 hrs
Sybil Spach Lol!
Like113 hrs
Fred Phillips Sybil Spach , well, that's not funny. I noticed a neighbor of mine has a young palm tree of some sort planted now. Nobody can identify if it is a coconut palm so we have to wait for a few years for the genes to kick in and see if it has coconuts. I probably will just move.
Like413 hrs
Sybil Spach Fred Phillips you don't know what you're talking about. See how sweet this coconut is? It's a nanny coconut.
Like711 hrs
Fred Phillips OK. I have been owned.
Like411 hrs
Dennis Baker The foundation of the Pit Bull advocacy is built of myths, we must keep putting these myhts in the public eye and watch their house fall. As we all know those online surveys as fun as they maybe do not reflect a true public opinion. They"re more a reflection of what Pit Bull advocacy group they have been shared in opinions. The Pit Bull advocacy does not do well when their agenda is put to public vote, hence Colorado. Try again T*rry Im not impressed.
Like612 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan Wow, looks like they rounded up all the idiots to vote on this.
Like28 hrs

As you can see the same old lunatics still spouting their disinformation to all and sundry on a daily basis clinging to whatever little victories they may have had and they consider Coloarado to be their shining gem whereas truth be known 120,000 people voted to keep breed specific legislation after an extensive campaign run by the pit bull haters and they claim this to be a majority whereas even a 5 year old can tell you 120,000 votes out of a population of over 317,000,000 people is a not a majority and their claims indicate they're just not real good at maths or with numbers in general for that matter.

more to come.....

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