Not everyone is a dog person and if you are a dog lover that doesn’t mean you will like every breed of dog out there. Hell, I’m a dog owner and there are some breeds I personally would avoid based on personal preference.
However, what I will never support is the outright fear based propaganda by BSL advocates. What is alarming is the rate they attempt to spread their ignorance and what is even more disturbing is how quickly they attempt to validate it even after EXPERTS tell them that they are wrong.

Over & over we read (or listen) to BSL advocates rant “Pit Bulls are inherently aggressive & dangerous!” without a shred of scientific data to prove that, unless you are Merritt Clifton- then you can claim a “aggression/rage” gene specific to pit bulls floats around in some fabricated laboratory somewhere.
What is Inherent?

Obviously aggression is not a permanent characteristic of any breed of dog. Reality shows that there are individual aggressive dogs either caused by genetics, environment or both.
The next question that follows it usually is-

Every dog has the potential and capability of being inherently dangerous. Common sense tells you that. Dogs are animals. Dogs are carnivores. Dogs have jaws filled with teeth that can inflict great damage. Have you seen a dogs body??

Even with dogs being domesticated they all- each and every breed- have the capability of being inherently dangerous.

And that’s the hitch in the BSL argument. Instead of acknowledging that each and every dog have the potential to seriously injure or even kill a human being they focus on one. The irony is- they focus on in on one breed(s) that happens to be in millions of homes living happily and minimizes the damage that other breeds can inflict.

Uh… Yes. “My toy poodle bites harder then my pit bull!” no pit bull advocate as ever said. In fact, if you ask ANY pit bull advocate or rescue if pit bulls have the capability of inflicting massive trauma and/or death they will tell you ABSOLUTELY. They will also tell you that these dogs can be dog aggressive, they can have a high prey drive, that some of them will do better in homes without children, or a home were they need to be the only dog.
However, they will also tell you with proper training and responsible ownership these dogs will be the best dogs you could ever have. Every single breed of dog has pro’s & cons- pit bulls are no exception to that.
The obvious ignorance of animals and the understanding of what “inherently aggressive” & “inherently dangerous” really is when they talk and compare animals. Especially when they do this:

Do you ever wonder WHY it’s so ridiculous to compare a pit bull to a great white shark? Unlike pit bulls that love to snuggle up comfortably and watch a episode of Grim with you- Great Whites have never successfully been kept in a captive setting. If you truly want to see the visual definition of “Inherently aggressive” just glance at a Great White shark- the perfect killing machine.
Interesting tidbit- The one female great white shark who was viewed by aquarium visitors for 198 days before she was released into Monterey Bay was the longest one held in captivity.
They refuse to be fed by humans, leading them to either die of starvation or be released into the wild. As predators , great white sharks are natural hunters and need the thrill of the hunt to survive – they will not survive on already dead small fish.
Also, Great White Sharks are incredibly expensive to keep as they kill and eat all other creatures in their tanks.
Sorry, comparing great whites & pit bulls just exposes their ignorance once again. Although I do have to agree, having a shark as a pet is not a great idea, I much prefer my pit bull.