No joking, BSL advocates can write how-to-manuals for almost anything and everything dysfunctional. Case in point-
1. Known knowledge of suspected psychical , mental and/or sexual abuse by family member.
2. Negligence
Both those seem like a great idea, right? How about this?

I suspect this more based on the breed of dog than the actual action. I’m about 99.99% sure that Kendall would not care if the dog was a lab.
Kendall shared this in the hate group Dangerous Dogs. Kendall shared this with one intent: Find Supporters to Help Kendall Harass another Family.

You’ve got to what? Try to take away her children? Because she won’t run off and kill the family dog because you don’t like the breed?

I wanted to point something out-
“She walked outside for 1 minute!!!”- the foul mouth failure of a human being Patricia points out. Who else also left their son for a undisclosed amount of time while she went upstairs to do God only knows what, failed to hear the dog attack and yet is a spokesperson for Daxton’s Friends?
Angela Rutledge guilty of child endangerment that led to the result of her child’s death? Oh absolutely. So, once I see BSL advocates stop picking and choosing what they feel is endangerment than I will start believing they actually care about children.
No fears- these screen shots have been sent to the mother so she understands just what kind of man is slithering around her family.
After speaking to this family, you can see how quickly BSL advocates start harassing this young woman. The Facebook post was posted to Dangerous Dogs 7 hours ago and within hours this mother started receiving hateful messages from a well known BSL advocate who makes it her mission to harass pit bull owners.
This is the instant message initiated by Julie Wall to a complete stranger, Mrs. Coulter
This is the instant message initiated by Julie Wall to a complete stranger, Mrs. Coulter

This is what makes BSL advocates that follow Dogsbite.org & Daxton’s Friends so dangerous. Unbeknownst to the parent, these people take images of your family, children and dogs and post them in groups filled with strangers that have no issue reposting those images in other hate groups.
These people endanger children daily. The picture of Mrs. Coulter was shared on a private Facebook with family members, not once did she give permission for images of her child to be used in any hate group.
Once again, these BSL Advocates have threatened the welfare of this child. We know these groups have members that are convicted felons, members that obsess over unnatural sexual acts with animals and have a history of making inappropriate sexual comments to under age girls. That child is far safer beside that dog then any member of Dogsbite.org & Daxton’s Friends.
(Permission from the mother to let us share the image with her child obtained.)
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