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Friday, 30 January 2015

Serafima Yan--"They are so stupid and twisted that they cannot even invent thoer own insults..."

Every page or individual that posts to their page is either "Terry Holt" or cult members of the AFF, most times they are both apparently...

And they consider any/all interactions with anti BSL people to be attacks,, 
against them and victims generally...

Animal Farm Foundation cult members won't stop attacking just like the "pit bulls" they defend. Time to break out your break sticks Karen Delise.
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Boycott Merrit and Animlas 24/7's photo.
Boycott Merrit and Animlas 24/7
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"Apparently posting to their page

is attacking them....."
How pathetic are Animal Farm Foundation cult members? Raise your hand uncle Terry.
Community · 26 Likes
Debunking Merrit's photo.
Debunking Merrit
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I'm not sure what this page 

commented because it's been 

deleted... aff cultist and TH 

obviously! lol!
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Please don't Attack them by

posting or commenting in

opposition to them in any

way shape or form, you'll be 

blocked, your comment will be 

screen-shot and then posted

to their page and made fun of 

bullied and/or harassed.

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definitely aff cultist probably 


"Hmmm. Flight for life I see for you my young apprentice. The dark side (Jane Berkey) clouds everything."
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I forgot, I'm only a pawn

Jane Berkey is the true


Does Jane Berkey, president of Animal Farm Foundation, approve of calling public safety advocates "foamers?"
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Maryann Dikinbut
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  • Exposing AFF Cult Members 3 more pages. That must be all Terry does. Makes pages all day so he can carpet bomb all night. Oh! Make that 4. BRB
    Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
  • Serafima Yan And in the absence of BSL people will have to defend themselves and their loved ones with whatever weapons are available...Do not want dangerous dogs killed???? Then stop breeding them! Even PETA said: "Let us stop breeding pit bulls, so we would not have to kill them." And who loves animals more than PETA people?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
  • Serafima Yan They do it because that is how they were called. They take everything people say about them and turn it around. So BSK supporters become "anti-pitbull nutters, foamers, crazy, stupid, ignorant, eneducated bullies, animal haters, discriminators, anti solial psychopaths, danger to community of the whole Universe"..etc. They are so stupid and twisted that they cannot even invent thoer own insults...
    Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
  • Martha Retallick She sure does!
    Like · Reply · 1 ·

  • "public safety advocates" do these look

  • like the comments of "public safety 

  • advocates"?  It's just to me they look

  • like pitbull hater comments, spitefull,

  • vengeful, frustrated and unsettling....


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